
由网友(套头底裤当超人)分享简介:我有一个不寻常的情况下,我有一个非常简单的异常越来越抛出陷入了同样的方法。 它不是重新抛出(通常这类问题幼稚程序员)。然而其的StackFrame仅包含一个当前方法。这里是什么样子:I have an unusual case where I have a very simple Exception getting...

我有一个不寻常的情况下,我有一个非常简单的异常越来越抛出陷入了同样的方法。 它不是重新抛出(通常这类问题幼稚程序员)。然而其的StackFrame仅包含一个当前方法。这里是什么样子:

I have an unusual case where I have a very simple Exception getting thrown and caught in the same method. It isn’t re-thrown (the usual kind of problem naïve programmers have). And yet its StackFrame contains only one the current method. Here’s what it looks like:

   at (my class).MyMethod() in C:(my file path and line)

在现实中有可能是30的方法导致这一在VS2010调试器的调用堆栈,跨六七个不同的组件去。这似乎是不可能为所有已被优化掉。此外,该code是内置的调试模式下,没有优化,对于.NET 4我甚至都(基于http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/9dd8z24x.aspx) .ini文件(其中一个名为[程序] .vshost.ini)中包含相同的文件夹:

In reality there are probably 30 methods leading up to this in the VS2010 debugger's call stack, going across half a dozen different assemblies. It seems impossible for all that to have been optimized out. Moreover, this code is built in debug mode, without optimizations, for .NET 4. I even have (based on http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/9dd8z24x.aspx) .ini files (including one named [app].vshost.ini) in the same folder containing:

[.NET Framework Debugging Control]


Also, the method calls are not at the end of methods, so tail-recursion optimization seems further unlikely.


As to how it is called: there are no uses of reflection on the call stack, no Invoke() or BeginInvoke() of any kind. This is just a long chain of calls from a button click. The click handler is about 10 calls down the call stack. Beneath that you have the usual WndProc, NativeWindow.Callback, native/managed transitions, and message loop. This is ultimately inside a ShowDialog() call which is run from a C# EXE assembly.


Now, I found that I can construct instances of the StackTrace class in my catch handler, and if I pass the Exception object, the call stack is also short. If instead I just call new StackTrace() with no arguments, it yields a complete call stack.

我用反射,企图调试到的Exception类得到抛出其调用栈构建的内部,但我不能设置异常或堆栈跟踪断点。我可以将它们设置在Environment.GetStackTrace()这个方法(这异常调用)不出现施工和投掷过程中被调用,但我不知道是否调试器确实正常工作。 (此方法也得到尽管触发一些其他的事情,所以我不知道该怎么利用它。)

I’ve used Reflector in an attempt to debug into the internals of the Exception class getting thrown and its call stack constructed, but I couldn’t set breakpoints in Exception or in StackTrace. I could set them in Environment.GetStackTrace() and this method (which Exception calls) does not appear to get called during the construction and throwing process, but I don’t know if the debugger is really working properly. (This method does get triggered for some other things though, so I'm not sure what to make of it.)


Here’s an excerpt of the method:

private void MyMethod()
        throw new ApplicationException("Test failure");
    catch (Exception e)
        StackTrace stackTrace1 = new StackTrace(e);
        StackTrace stackTrace2 = new StackTrace(e, false);
        StackTrace stackTrace3 = new StackTrace(e, true);
        StackTrace stackTrace4 = new StackTrace();
        string STs = stackTrace1.ToString() + "n---n"
            + stackTrace2.ToString() + "n---n"
            + stackTrace3.ToString() + "n---n"
            + stackTrace4.ToString();
        Log(EventSeverity.Debug, STs);


It’s really pretty simple: Throw exception, catch and log it.

我得到独立运行,单行调用堆栈时,无论是在调试器或相同的结果。我知道我已经在我们的code碱基看到这个问题在其他地方。 previously我曾以为这是由于重新抛出异常,但在很多情况下是我们登录权的初始catch块中。我很困惑,所有的网络搜索我所做的还没有生产任何东西。

I get the same results either in the debugger or when running standalone—a one-line call stack. And I know I have seen this problem elsewhere in our code base. Previously I had assumed it was due to re-throwing exceptions, but in a lot of cases it we log right inside the initial catch block. I’m quite baffled and all the web searching I’ve done hasn’t produce anything.


This is a little too much to add as a comment to the answer provided, but here's some more information:

我现在看到的这种行为是在讨论 http://dotnetthoughts.word$p$pss.com/2007/10/27/where-did-my-exception-occur/并且这是在http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.exception.stacktrace.aspx (虽然我认为人们可以轻易错过他们在说什么有)。

I now see that this behavior is discussed at http://dotnetthoughts.wordpress.com/2007/10/27/where-did-my-exception-occur/ and that it is actually described at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.exception.stacktrace.aspx (though I think one could easily miss what they're saying there).


So I guess my "solution" will be a little hit-or-miss. We have a central method we usually call to format exceptions. Inside that method, I'll create a new StackTrace() both with and without the Exception object. Then I'll look for the method that is at the bottom of the Exception's stack trace, and display everything beneath that in the new StackTrace(), indicating it was called by that series of calls.

当然,不利的一面是,如果不使用这种方法,信息不会在那里。但是,我不得不想到某种$ C $的C更改的地方。

The down side of course is that if this method isn't used, the information won't be there. But I had to expect some kind of code change somewhere.


当一个异常被抛出,只是局部堆栈跟踪将在 Exception.StackTrace 属性来使用。堆栈只显示通话,直到被捕获异常的方法。要获得完整的堆栈(如你已经注意到),你应该创建一个新的堆栈跟踪()对象。

When an exception is thrown, only a partial stack trace will be used in the Exception.StackTrace property. The stack only shows calls up until the method that is catching the exception. To get the full stack (as you have noted) you should create a new StackTrace() object.


I can't find any links on it at the moment but I believe the stack trace is built by walking up the stack while throwing the exception. Once the exception reaches a catch block, the stack stops being compiled. Therefore, you only get a partial stack.


Typically, a catch block is not concerned with who called it, but where the exception is originating from.


