
由网友(花落微凉梦清幽)分享简介:我们有我们需要在服务器上创建一个自签名证书要使用一些WCF的Web服务的收缩包装类型的Windows服务器应用程序。从我们在网络上搜索,似乎在PlatformSDK Microsoft的makecert实用程序不能与我们的应用程序分发,所以我们正在寻找替代品。 We have a shrink wrap type W...

我们有我们需要在服务器上创建一个自签名证书要使用一些WCF的Web服务的收缩包装类型的Windows服务器应用程序。从我们在网络上搜索,似乎在PlatformSDK Microsoft的makecert实用程序不能与我们的应用程序分发,所以我们正在寻找替代品。

We have a shrink wrap type Windows server application where we need to create a self signed certificate on the server to be used by some WCF web services. From our searches on the web, it appears that the makecert utility in the PlatformSDK from Microsoft cannot be distributed with our application, so we're looking for alternatives.

有谁知道如何使用OpenSSL创建一个证书,并把它到Windows LOCALMACHINE证书存储?或者,或者是它直截了当地插入证书进店在.NET应用程序,我们应该创建OpenSSL的证书文件?任何帮助/建议将是AP preciated。

Does anyone know how to use OpenSSL to create a certificate and get it into the Windows LocalMachine certificate store? Or, alternatively is it straight forward to insert the certificate into the store in a .NET application and should we just create the certificate file with openssl? Any help/suggestions would be appreciated.



[Unfortunately, I can't comment on anything yet, so I'll post this as an answer.]

我看到这个帖子是有点老了,但我在一个类似的船,我在Visual Studio 2008 REDIST.TXT文件中发现这一点:

I see that this post is a bit old, but I'm in a similar boat and I found this in the Visual Studio 2008 redist.txt file:

Windows SDK Files

Subject to the license terms for the software, the following files may be distributed unmodified:


不知道有什么东西发生了变化(如果我的跨pretation是正确的),但它看起来像makecert.exe包含在Windows SDK,这在圈的一部分,包括在VS2008安装即可的一部分实际上重新分配。

Not sure if something has changed (and if my interpretation is correct), but it looks like makecert.exe included as part of the Windows SDK, which is in-turn included as part of the VS2008 install can actually be redistributed.


