
由网友(心跳多久爱多久)分享简介:我正在写一个应用程序来启动和监视在C#中的其他应用程序。我使用的System.Diagnostics.Process类使用Process.Responding属性来轮询应用程序的状态每100 milisecs启动应用程序,然后监视应用程序。我用Process.CloseMainWindow停止应用程序或Process....

我正在写一个应用程序来启动和监视在C#中的其他应用程序。我使用的System.Diagnostics.Process类使用Process.Responding属性来轮询应用程序的状态每100 milisecs启动应用程序,然后监视应用程序。我用Process.CloseMainWindow停止应用程序或Process.Kill杀死它,如果它不响应。

I'm writing an application to start and monitor other applications in C#. I'm using the System.Diagnostics.Process class to start applications and then monitor the applications using the Process.Responding property to poll the state of the application every 100 milisecs. I use Process.CloseMainWindow to stop the application or Process.Kill to kill it if it's not responding.


I've noticed a weird behaviour where sometimes the process object gets into a state where the responding property always returns true even when the underlying process hangs in a loop and where it doesn't respond to CloseMainWindow.


One way to reproduce it is to poll the Responding property right after starting the process instance. So for example

bool responding = _process.Responding;


will reproduce the error state while

bool responding = _process.Responding;

将工作。 减少睡眠期间500将再次引入错误状态。

will work. Reducing the sleep period to 500 will introduce the error state again.


Something in calling _process.Responding too fast after starting seems to prevent the object from getting the right windows message queue handler. I guess I need to wait for _process.Start to finish doing it's asynchronous work. Is there a better way to wait for this than calling Thread.Sleep ? I'm not too confident that the 1000 ms will always be enough.



Now, I need to check this out later, but I am sure there is a method that tells the thread to wait until it is ready for input. Are you monitoring GUI processes only?

时的 Process.WaitForInputIdle 不是任何帮助吗?还是我错过了点? :)

Isn't Process.WaitForInputIdle of any help to you? Or am I missing the point? :)


Following a chit-chat on Twitter (or tweet-tweet?) with Mendelt I thought I should update my answer so the community is fully aware..

WaitForInputIdle 将仅适用于具有GUI应用程序。 您指定的等待时间,并且该方法返回一个布尔值,如果过程达到该时间范围内处于闲置状态,可以很明显的使用这个循环如果需要,或处理适当。 WaitForInputIdle will only work on applications that have a GUI. You specify the time to wait, and the method returns a bool if the process reaches an idle state within that time frame, you can obviously use this to loop if required, or handle as appropriate.



