
由网友(封刀不再战)分享简介:我看了太多的新闻围绕MS开源.NET,例如: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/dotnet/archive/2014/11/12/net-core-is-open-source.aspx.I have read much of the news around MS open sourcing .NET...

我看了太多的新闻围绕MS开源.NET,例如: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/dotnet/archive/2014/11/12/net-core-is-open-source.aspx.

I have read much of the news around MS open sourcing .NET, e.g. http://blogs.msdn.com/b/dotnet/archive/2014/11/12/net-core-is-open-source.aspx.


However I am still in the dark as to whether MS has released a runtime to run a .NET application on Linux and/or Mac? I still have a number of questions I hope someone can answer:

我可以运行我在Linux / Mac的(不带单声道)的.NET应用程序,如果是的话我只读了服务器端堆已经开放了源代码,其中组件正是这是否意味着,我可以运行一个Hello World控制台应用程序? 我可以包括MS运行在Linux / Mac的(如果有)与我的应用程序,它并不需要单独全系统(像它在Windows上)?安装 同样,我可以包括.NET程序集,而不需要系统?在安装


简短的回答是的尽快的,他们希望有一个由2015年建造完成。如果Xamarin / Mono是什么去了,你可能会喜欢的东西在特定于平台的项目分部类,所以当你构建您的解决方案,你会选择哪个项目(特定于平台的部分类)编写针对不同操作系统的。

With .NET open sourcing is a MS runtime avaliable on Linux and Mac?

Short answer is soon, they hope to have one completed by Build 2015. If Xamarin/Mono is anything to go by, you might have things like Partial Classes in Platform specific Projects, so when you build your solution you will select which projects (with the platform specific partial classes) to compile to target different OS's.


Long answer, looking at the comments in the link you posted lets us gaze into the crystal ball:

@ Rev.pl:?这是否意味着你会真正的开放源代码的JIT编译器

@Rev.pl: Does it mean you'll actually open-source the JIT compiler?

IMMO Landwerth:这到底是什么意思。和GC。和类型系统。和大会装载机。和大会粘合剂。和互操作的系统:我们将开放源码的整个CoreCLR运行

Immo Landwerth: That's exactly what it means. And the GC. And the type system. And the assembly loader. And the assembly binder. And the interop system: we'll open source the entire CoreCLR runtime!


IMMO Landwerth:WCF的客户端将被包含在.NET核心

Immo Landwerth: The client side of WCF will be included in .NET Core.

@Alberto:所以,WPF将是开源的吗? :)

@Alberto: So WPF will be open source too? :)

IMMO Landwerth:.NET Framework的一个子集在GitHub上MIT许可发布

Immo Landwerth: A subset of the .NET Framework is released under the MIT license on GitHub.


IMMO Landwerth:目前没有计划任何端口的WinForms或WPF与.NET的核心

Immo Landwerth: There are currently no plans to port either WinForms or WPF to .NET Core.

...我只是想澄清一件事:只是因为WinForms和WPF是不是开源并不意味着我们就不会投资在其中。其实我们只是博客上讲述我们的 WPF路线图 : - )

... I just want to clarify one thing: just because WinForms and WPF aren't open source doesn't mean we'll not invest in them. In fact we just blogged about our WPF roadmap :-)

Sarat Adiraj 威尔System.Data这(ADO.net)是开源服务器堆栈的一部分?我看不出任何一点有一个开源asp.net在Linux和Mac上运行,如果不具备相应的开源位连接到数据库后端。

Sarat Adiraj Will System.data (ADO.net) be part of the open sourced server stack ? I don't see any point in having an open sourced asp.net running on linux and Mac if it does not have the corresponding open source bits to connect to database back-ends.

要回答我自己的查询发布前,我只注意到(github.com/.../DataCommon)System.Data.Common作为ASP.net vNext的一部分。伟大的工作家伙!

To answer my own query posted earlier I just noticed (github.com/.../DataCommon) System.Data.Common available as part of ASP.net vNext. Great job guys !!

ronelm2000 ...我不知道,如果XNA框架得到打得太?

ronelm2000 ... I wonder if XNA Framework gets the hit too?

我:请参见 http://www.monogame.net/showcase/ 堡垒游戏开发者:MonoGame使我们能够无痛口全3D XNA 3.1游戏,有针对性的iOS,MacOS和Linux和Chrome浏览器使用的MonoGame code叉子。

Me: See http://www.monogame.net/showcase/ Bastion Game Developers: "MonoGame enabled us to painlessly port a full 3D XNA 3.1 game which targeted iOS, MacOS, Linux and Chrome using a fork of the MonoGame code."

画一个火柴人的史诗开发商:使用MonoGame,我们能够共享大约95%的我们的多平台之间code。 MonoGame帮我们这么多,更多的时间花在让我们的游戏内容,以适应新的屏幕分辨率比实际游戏移植到新的平台。开始了我们开发用于Windows标准XNA(REACH配置文件),然后使用MonoGame了pretty的轻松移植到iOS系统中,的WinRT(Windows 8中)和Android。还有更多的平台将很快宣布。

Draw a Stickman Epic Developers: "Using MonoGame, we were able to share around 95% of our code between multiple platforms. MonoGame helped us so much, more time was spent getting our game’s content to fit new screen resolutions than actually porting the game to new platforms. Starting out we developed for standard XNA (reach profile) on Windows, then had a pretty easy port to iOS, WinRT (Windows 8) and Android using MonoGame. Many more platforms will follow shortly."


IMMO Landwerth:主要的区别在于,.NET的核心将是一个单一的,跨平台的堆栈

Immo Landwerth: The key difference is that .NET Core will be a single, cross platform stack.

让我们对比一下与.NET Framework和今天单。 Mono是.NET Framework的一个完整的重新实现。这意味着,某些功能不支持或实现不同的足以引起行为改变,可以打破你的应用程序。此外,微软不支持在Linux或MacOS的今天运行。

Let's contrast this with .NET Framework and Mono today. Mono is a full reimplementation of the .NET Framework. This means that certain features aren't supported or implemented differently enough to cause behavioral changes that can break your application. Also, Microsoft doesn't support running on Linux or MacOS today.


.NET Core on the other hand will be supported by Microsoft on Windows, Linux and MacOS. We'll have a single code base that we plan on working on together with the Mono community.


For you that means that targeting other platforms will be more reliable and innovation will happen faster. It also means that you'll be able to find out sooner what's coming next because all the design work is happening in public.


Finally, you'll also be able to take a look at the kitchen and engage in design discussion.


