在IL code,为什么会出现不NOP运算code在特定情况下?为什么会出现br.s运code在特定情况下?在特定情况下、code、IL、br

由网友(本尊拒绝爱)分享简介:假设我有以下的code:公共类的Class1{私人的Class2 OBJ;公共无效方法a(){VAR类2 =新的Class2();class2.PropertyI = 2;OBJ =方法b(等级2);}公众的Class2方法b(等级2等级2){返回Class2的;}}公共类的Class2{公众诠释Property...


    私人的Class2 OBJ;

        VAR类2 =新的Class2();
        class2.PropertyI = 2;
        OBJ =方法b(等级2);


    公众诠释PropertyI {获得;组; }

生成的IL $ C $从使用Visual Studio 2010作为.NET 2.0的程序集编译C如下:

    .maxstack 3
    L_0001:newobj实例无效ClassLibrary1.Class2 ::构造函数()。
    L_0009:callvirt实例无效ClassLibrary1.Class2 :: set_PropertyI(INT32)
    L_0012:调用实例类ClassLibrary1.Class2 ClassLibrary1.Class1 ::方法b(类ClassLibrary1.Class2)
    L_0017:stfld类ClassLibrary1.Class2 ClassLibrary1.Class1 :: OBJ

    .maxstack 1
        [0]类ClassLibrary1.Class2 CS $ 1 $ 0000)
    L_0003:br.s L_0005


在治法,为什么会出现不是 NOP code之间 L_0006 L_0007 ? 由于 L_0001 L_0006 L_0007 不同的以 L_0009 ,为什么没有 NOP 运算code? 在方法b,为什么 L_0003 有必要吗? 解决方案



DotNet并行计算的使用误区 二

Suppose I have the following code:

public class Class1
    private Class2 obj;

    public void MethodA()
        var class2 = new Class2();
        class2.PropertyI = 2;
        obj = MethodB(class2);

    public Class2 MethodB(Class2 class2)
        return class2;

public class Class2
    public int PropertyI { get; set; }

The generated IL code from compiling with Visual Studio 2010 as a .NET 2.0 assembly is the following:

.method public hidebysig instance void MethodA() cil managed
    .maxstack 3
    .locals init (
        [0] class ClassLibrary1.Class2 class2)
    L_0000: nop 
    L_0001: newobj instance void ClassLibrary1.Class2::.ctor()
    L_0006: stloc.0 
    L_0007: ldloc.0 
    L_0008: ldc.i4.2 
    L_0009: callvirt instance void ClassLibrary1.Class2::set_PropertyI(int32)
    L_000e: nop 
    L_000f: ldarg.0 
    L_0010: ldarg.0 
    L_0011: ldloc.0 
    L_0012: call instance class ClassLibrary1.Class2 ClassLibrary1.Class1::MethodB(class ClassLibrary1.Class2)
    L_0017: stfld class ClassLibrary1.Class2 ClassLibrary1.Class1::obj
    L_001c: ret 

.method public hidebysig instance class ClassLibrary1.Class2 MethodB(class ClassLibrary1.Class2 class2) cil managed
    .maxstack 1
    .locals init (
        [0] class ClassLibrary1.Class2 CS$1$0000)
    L_0000: nop 
    L_0001: ldarg.1 
    L_0002: stloc.0 
    L_0003: br.s L_0005
    L_0005: ldloc.0 
    L_0006: ret 

My questions are the following:

In MethodA, why is there not a nop code between L_0006 and L_0007? Since L_0001 to L_0006 are distinct from L_0007 to L_0009, why is there no nop opcode? In MethodB, why is L_0003 necessary?


The C# compiler emits a NOP instruction at a curly brace. Which makes it a lot easier to set breakpoints in your code. The debugger only permits setting a breakpoint on code and a curly brace doesn't normally produce any code. So this is just a simple debugging aid, these NOPs won't get generated in the release build.

The BR.S instruction is a minor flaw in the compiler, it doesn't have a peephole optimizer to get rid of these kind of extraneous instructions. In general, it is not the job of the C# compiler to optimize code, that's done by the jitter. Which will readily and easily remove the instruction.


