如何合并的Setup.exe,和的setup.msi .NetFramework prerequisite在一个单一的安装程序?安装程序、setup、exe、Setup

由网友(别捏我肥脸)分享简介:如何从VS2010安装项目的安装文件和prerequisite文件合并在一起?..in我发布目录下有3个文件:How can the setup files and prerequisite files from a vs2010 setup project be merged together?..in my...

如何从VS2010安装项目的安装文件和prerequisite文件合并在一起? ..in我发布目录下有3个文件:

How can the setup files and prerequisite files from a vs2010 setup project be merged together? ..in my release directory there are 3 files:



and I need these files to be in one simple setup file.


I tried using IExpress tool from windows but it doesn't work because "dotNetFx40_Client_x86_x64.exe" is inside a directory, and the tool does not support it.

有没有什么办法让SETUP.EXE看看.NET Framework的prerequisite在根文件夹 这样我就可以使用IEx标志preSS工具?如果没有,是否有将这些文件合并成一个单一的安装任何其他的方式?

Is there any way to make setup.exe look for the .net framework prerequisite in the root folder so I can use the IExpress tool??And if not, is there any other way to merge these files into a single installer?

在此先感谢! 干杯!


请利用NSIS安装的 - 你会发现它的此处,有教程,从有的是这里。下面是语法通过您的使用场景的例子:

Make use of the NSIS installer - you may find it here, there's tutorials to be a plenty from here. Here's an example of the syntax adopted to your usage scenario:

SetOutPath "$INSTDIRresources"
SetOverwrite off
File "setup.exe"
File "setup1.msi"
File "DotNetFX40Client/dotNetFx40_Client_x86_x64.exe"
Exec "$INSTDIRresourcessetup.exe"

在NSI文件将被编译成一个单一的文件,安装程序,包括您在一个EXE的所有材料 - 该EXE文件的功能,可以在简单的开箱和执行自己的setup.exe文件,并完全自定义的安装程序之间的任何地方(不明白你为什么会想,在你的情况)。

The NSI file is then compiled into a single file installer that includes all your material in one exe - the functionality of that exe file can be anywhere in between simply unpackaging and executing your own setup.exe file and a full custom installer (can't see why you would want that in your case).


