Silverlight的4 + MVVM + KeyDown事件事件、Silverlight、MVVM、KeyDown

由网友(风生水起)分享简介:我试图使用MVVM设计模式,以扩大我的知识,建立在Silverlight 4的样本游戏。我使用的洛朗·比尼翁的MvvmLight工具包,以及(在这里找到: HTTP://mvvmlight.$c$ )。所有我想做的事情,现在是一个画布pressing特定的密钥中移动的形状左右。我的解决方案包含一个P...

我试图使用MVVM设计模式,以扩大我的知识,建立在Silverlight 4的样本游戏。我使用的洛朗·比尼翁的MvvmLight工具包,以及(在这里找到: HTTP://mvvmlight.$c$ )。所有我想做的事情,现在是一个画布pressing特定的密钥中移动的形状左右。我的解决方案包含一个Player.xaml(只是一个矩形,这将是到处移动)和MainPage.xaml中(Canvas和玩家控制的一个实例)

I'm trying to build a sample game in Silverlight 4 using the MVVM design pattern to broaden my knowledge. I'm using Laurent Bugnion's MvvmLight toolkit as well (found here: ). All I want to do right now is move a shape around within a Canvas by pressing specific keys. My solution contains a Player.xaml (just a rectangle; this will be moved around) and MainPage.xaml (the Canvas and an instance of the Player control).


To my understanding, Silverlight doesn't support tunneling routed events, only bubbling. My big problem is that Player.xaml never recognizes the KeyDown event. It's always intercepted by MainPage.xaml first and it never reaches any child controls because it bubbles upward. I'd prefer that the logic to move the Player be in the PlayerViewModel class, but I don't think the Player can know about any KeyDown events firing without me explicitly passing them on down from the MainPage.


I ended up adding the handler logic to the MainPageViewModel class. Now my problem is that the MainPageViewModel has no knowledge of Player.xaml so it cannot move this object when handling KeyDown events. I guess this is expected, as ViewModels should not have any knowledge of their associated Views.

在没有那么多的话......有没有办法我MainPage.xaml中在该播放器的用户控件可以直接受理的KeyDown事件?如果没有,什么是我的MainPageViewModel与视图的子控件通讯的理想方法是什么?我试图保持code OUT的code隐藏文件尽可能。好像这是最好把逻辑中的ViewModels为便于测试,并从逻辑中分离出的UI。

In not so many there a way this Player user control within my MainPage.xaml can directly accept and handle KeyDown events? If not, what's the ideal method for my MainPageViewModel to communicate with its View's child controls? I'm trying to keep code out of the code-behind files as much as possible. Seems like it's best to put logic in the ViewModels for ease of testing and to decouple UI from logic.



<UserControl x:Class="MvvmSampleGame.MainPage"
         DataContext="{Binding Main, Source={StaticResource Locator}}">

    <i:EventTrigger EventName="KeyDown">
        <cmd:EventToCommand Command="{Binding KeyPressCommand}" PassEventArgsToCommand="True" />

<Canvas x:Name="LayoutRoot">       
    <game:Player x:Name="Player1"></game:Player> 



public MainViewModel()

  KeyPressCommand = new RelayCommand<KeyEventArgs>(KeyPressed);


public RelayCommand<KeyEventArgs> KeyPressCommand
    private set;

private void KeyPressed(KeyEventArgs e)

        if (e.Key == Key.Up || e.Key == Key.W)
            // move player up

        else if (e.Key == Key.Left || e.Key == Key.A)
            // move player left
        else if (e.Key == Key.Down || e.Key == Key.S)
            // move player down
        else if (e.Key == Key.Right || e.Key == Key.D)
            // move player right

在此先感谢, 杰里米

Thanks in advance, Jeremy



Instead of using the EventTrigger, try to use the KeyTrigger and set the Source object to be the LayoutRoot.


Another option (which I think is better) is to let the ViewModel handle the position of the player. For example, have a property called PlayerTop and a property named PlayerLeft. Bind the PLayer's Canvas.Top and Canvas.Left property to these. When the user presses the Keys, a command is executed on the VM which updates these properties. This way the VM does not have to know what is moved, or how it is moved.



