
由网友(沉默、只是无力)分享简介:我正在开发一个WCF RESTful服务使用C#,.NET框架4.0和实体框架code首先 I'm developing a WCF RESTful service with C#, .NET Framework 4.0 and Entity Framework Code First.我有这个类(即重新presen...

我正在开发一个WCF RESTful服务使用C#,.NET框架4.0和实体框架code首先

I'm developing a WCF RESTful service with C#, .NET Framework 4.0 and Entity Framework Code First.


I have this class (that represents a table on database):

public class PostLine
    public int PostLineId { get; set; }

    public int? UserId { get; set; }

    public string Description { get; set; }

    public string DateUtc { get; set; }

    public User Author { get; set; }


DateTime fourDaysAgo = DateTime.Now.Date.AddDays(-4);

var postLines = 
    context.PostLines.Where(p => DateTime.Compare(DateTime.Parse(p.DateUtc), fourDaysAgo) > 0).Include("Author");


But I get the following error:


我需要 PostLine.DateUtc 是一个字符串,因为我会用我的网络服务,并将其发送为JSON,因此它更适合我将其存储为一个字符串。

I need that PostLine.DateUtc to be a string because I'm going to use it on my web service, and send it as JSON, so its better for me to store it as a string.

如果我用的DateTime 的类型,我会得到像这样的JSON响应:

If I use DateTime type, I'm going to get something like this on JSON response:

    "DateUtc": "/Date(1380924000000+0200)/",
    "Description": "post_1",
    "UserId": 1

你知道我怎么能比较字符串与一个LINQ EX pression一个DateTime?



I think the best approach will be to split the property in two.

实体框架想要一个的DateTime 属性。这是非常合情合理的。

Entity Framework wants a DateTime property. That makes perfect sense.


For serialization you want a string property. That also makes perfect sense.


However, you're trying to use a single property for both, and that doesn't make sense, and isn't necessary.

public class PostLine

    public DateTime DateUtcAsDateTime { get; set; }

    [DataMember, NotMapped]
    public string DateUtcAsString {
        get { return DateUtcAsDateTime.ToString(); }
        set { DateUtcAsDateTime = DateTime.Parse(value); }


现在, DateUtcAsDateTime 将被用于实体框架,而 DateUtcAsString 将被实体框架忽略,因为它有一个 NotMapped 属性。

Now, DateUtcAsDateTime will be used by Entity Framework, and DateUtcAsString will be ignored by Entity Framework as it has a NotMapped attribute.

DateUtcAsString ,在另一方面,是这些属性,有一个数据成员属性只有一个,所以应该是被序列化的唯一的一个。

DateUtcAsString, on the other hand, is the only one of these properties that has a DataMember attribute, so should be the only one that gets serialized.

当然,你可以重命名这些属性之一回 DateUtc ,如果你想要的。

You can of course rename one of these properties back to DateUtc, if you want.


Update: as Matt Johnson points out, an improvement would be to specify the format in a way that always results in the exact same string. This ensures your strings don't change, just because your code gets moved to another server that happens to have different regional settings.

[DataMember, NotMapped]
public string DateUtcAsString {
    get { return DateUtcAsDateTime.ToString("o"); }
    set { DateUtcAsDateTime = DateTime.Parse(value, "o", null, DateTimeStyles.AssumeUniversal | DateTimeStyles.AdjustToUniversal); }

请注意,我用 DateTimeStyles.AssumeUniversal | DateTimeStyles.AdjustToUniversal 而不是 DateTimeStyles.RoundTripKind 他建议,因为这个名字 DateUtc 强烈建议你的总是的要UTC,从未本地时间。而且我不指定任何明确的文化,因为O格式已经是独立的文化。

Note that I am using DateTimeStyles.AssumeUniversal | DateTimeStyles.AdjustToUniversal instead of the DateTimeStyles.RoundTripKind that he suggested, because the name DateUtc strongly suggests you always want UTC, never local time. And I'm not specifying any culture explicitly, as the "o" format is already independent of culture.


You could, if it's easier for your other code to handle, use "r" instead of "o" with the same benefits.


