完整的.NET OpenCL的实现完整、NET、OpenCL

由网友(奈何桥上调戏鬼)分享简介:我一直在寻找全国各地,但有一点运气。是否有任何的有据可查的.NET绑定OpenCL的实现? (我会采取一些支持CUDA,如果我不得不)。我碰到的各种实现方式,CUDA.NET,OpenCL.NET,OpenTK / Cloo(我知道,他们往往计算器提到),但他们似乎都要么是处于alpha阶段或完全没有可用的例子。 C...

我一直在寻找全国各地,但有一点运气。是否有任何的有据可查的.NET绑定OpenCL的实现? (我会采取一些支持CUDA,如果我不得不)。 我碰到的各种实现方式,CUDA.NET,OpenCL.NET,OpenTK / Cloo(我知道,他们往往计算器提到),但他们似乎都要么是处于alpha阶段或完全没有可用的例子。 CUDA.NET有一定的帮助文件,但它只是一个图书馆的参考,它并没有真正帮助您开始。

I've been looking all over but have had little luck. Are there any well documented .NET binding implementations for OpenCL? (I'd take something for CUDA if I had to). I've run into a variety of implementations, CUDA.NET, OpenCL.NET, OpenTK / Cloo (I know, they are mentioned often of stackoverflow), but they all seem to either be in alpha stage or have absolutely no available examples. CUDA.NET has some help files, but it's just a library reference, which doesn't really help you get started.

什么,我希望能找到一个的成熟的库在.NET GPU编程。 最后,我需要能够写code F#中,但我会采取任何.NET兼容的语言,因为我可以永远只是后来转换和使用任何包含实例启动和运行。

What I'm hoping to find is a mature library for GPU programming in .NET. Eventually I need to be able to write the code in F#, but I would take any .NET compliant language as I could always just convert it later and use whatever examples are included to get up and running.


Probably a long shot since I've searched all over, but I'm hoping this is just one of those case where I don't know the right thing to search for.

任何帮助将是很大的AP preciated。

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



Well, all libraries you've stated are simple wrappers for opencl native libraries. They pose relatively small amount of additional abstractions and are very close to general opencl functions. So if you are familiar with opencl in general you will get familiar with these libraries in no time.


I think the 'OpenCL.NET' implementation is complete, it is free of anything that is not OpenCL. But after using it several times I've found it too low level.


I've created my own wrapper it serves me good job by simplifying the host part dramatically here's the host part of one of my projects (if you are interested I can publish my OpenCl wrapper in github or any other svn service):

using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;

using Shared;
using Shared.IO;
using Shared.OpenCL;

namespace Testing
    public class ApplicationClass
        static Random rand = new Random();

        static Single[] RandomArray(Int32 length)
            Single[] result = new Single[length];

            for (int i = 0; i < result.Length; i++)
                result[i] = (Single)rand.NextDouble();

            return result;

        static void Main(string[] args)
            DeviceGlobalMemory output = new Byte[4096];

            DeviceGlobalMemory indeces = RandomArray(102400);
            DeviceGlobalMemory ops = new Byte[3072];
            DeviceGlobalMemory data = RandomArray(1048576);

            Console.Write("Creating kernel...");

            Kernel kernel = Kernel.Create("Kernel", File.ReadAllText("Test.c"), data, indeces, ops, output);

            Console.Write("Executing kernel...");

            Event e = kernel.Execute(256, 256);


            Console.WriteLine("done, operation took {0}", Profiler.DurationSeconds(e));

            UnmanagedReader reader = new UnmanagedReader(new DeviceBufferStream(output));

            for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
                if (i % 4 == 0) Console.WriteLine();
                if (i % 16 == 0) Console.WriteLine();

                Console.Write("{0}t", reader.Read<Single>());

