
由网友(一生的回眸只为你)分享简介:我GOOGLE了几个网站,以了解元是.NET和它的意思。 I googled several sites to understand what metadata is in .NET and it means. 我还是新的C#WPF的桌面应用程序。当我还是web编程,有meta标签在HTML code其中我们描述了...


I googled several sites to understand what metadata is in .NET and it means.

我还是新的C#WPF的桌面应用程序。当我还是web编程,有meta标签在HTML code其中我们描述了站点的标题,关键字和这样的。同样是在.NET应用程序相似?我读了维基,并用Google搜索,但我得到的是概念性的解释。

I'm still new to C# WPF desktop application programming. Back when I was web programming, there are meta tag in HTML code where we describe the site with titles, keywords and such. Is also similar in .NET application? I read wiki, and googled but all I get is conceptional explanation.


One describes "metadata is data that describes the state of the assembly and a detailed description of each type, attribute within the assembly". Is metadata just a concept or something physical like line of codes I typed in somewhere to describe my code? If so, do my commend becomes my metadata?


I read metadata is "Within the Common Language Runtime (CLR)", but I code only in C#, how can I code in CLR into the metadata? Is metadata a commend in CLR? How Can I change it.

MSDN 写道,元数据的二进制信息的另一种语言的软件组件,以了解它。我还以为只有人类需要说明(表彰)用英语理解的code块呢。软件组件简单地执行任何声明,我们写了 - 什么是二进制的信息需要。如何编译理解我的高位code中的意义生成的描述组装?如果我写一个程序,转换成货币,将元数据自动生成的知道程序是转换货币?这是哪里的情报?

MSDN wrote that metadata is binary information for software component of another language to understand it. I though only human needs description (commend) in English to understand what a block of code does. Software component simply executes whatever statement we wrote - what's is the need of the "binary" information. How can the compiler understand the meaning of my high level code to generate "Description of assembly"? If I write a program that convert currency, would the metadata auto-generated knowing the program is converting currency? Where is this intelligence?




Since others already provided great explanatory answers, I'll just mention how you can view metadata yourself.

在您的Microsoft SDK目录(最有可能变化的 C: Program Files文件微软的SDK 的Windows v7.0A BIN NETFX 4.0工具的)有计划名为程序Ildasm.exe - 这是简单的反汇编器,允许你查看编译.NET二进制文件

In your Microsoft SDK directory (most likely variations of C:Program FilesMicrosoft SDKsWindowsv7.0ABinNETFX 4.0 Tools) there's program called ildasm.exe - it's simple disassembler that allows you to view compiled .NET binaries.

您可以建立非常简单的控制台应用程序,并使用程序Ildasm.exe 来查看编译的内容。 查看/元信息/显示的命令(或简称按Ctrl + M 的),将显示的元数据 - !你可以检查他们的样子。元数据部分来自应用程序的打印您好来控制台:

You can build very simple console application and use ildasm.exe to view compiled contents. View/MetaInfo/Show! command (or simply Ctrl + M) will display metadata - you can check how they look like. Part of metadata from application printing Hello to console:

TypeDef #1 (02000002)
TypDefName: Program  (02000002)
Flags     : [Public] [AutoLayout] [Class] [AnsiClass] [BeforeFieldInit](00100001)
Extends   : 01000001 [TypeRef] System.Object
Method #1 (06000001) [ENTRYPOINT]
    MethodName: Main (06000001)
    Flags     : [Public] [Static] [HideBySig] [ReuseSlot]  (00000096)
    RVA       : 0x00002050
    ImplFlags : [IL] [Managed]  (00000000)
    CallCnvntn: [DEFAULT]
    ReturnType: Void
    1 Arguments
        Argument #1:  SZArray String
    1 Parameters
        (1) ParamToken : (08000001) Name : args flags: [none] (00000000)


Here you can see type definition (Program) and one of its methods (Main), which takes single input argument and returns void. This is naturally only part of metadata, even for simpliest programs there's a lot more.


