
由网友(璎婲)分享简介:我看到有一个类似的问题问了几个月回来,但它确实没有解决我的情况很好。这里有云...... I saw that there was a similar question asked several months back, but it really didn't address my situation well....


I saw that there was a similar question asked several months back, but it really didn't address my situation well. Here it goes...


I'm in the process of building from scratch a web-based, .NET application that has the potential to become a high-volume site (several hundred thousand page views a month to start) and am strongly considering using Microsoft Azure to host it. I have not built anything yet and am still researching my different options.

应用程序本身,其核心是一个标准的CRUD应用程序,在许多不同类型的实体(如用户,订单,项目等)的行为。有可能是可能正在运行的一些后台进程和数据的一些排队(非实时更新 - 象得到的SO徽章,例如),但大多数与用户的相互作用将是操作典型的CRUD类型。

The application itself is, at its core, a standard CRUD application that acts upon a number of different types of entities (e.g. user, order, item, etc.). There are probably some background processes that may be running and some queuing of data (for non-realtime updates -- like getting a SO badge, for example), but most of the interactions with the user will be your typical CRUD type of actions.

关于Azure的,我读了一些文章有关使用Microsoft Azure存储来存储交易数据,并正在大力考虑这样做,而不是使用Azure的SQL数据库。但是,我还没有看到或读到一些真实的人及/或实公司这样做的成功案例。所以,我想我会接触到多所社区,看看是否有人曾与使用微软Azure存储,你有什么样的运气,任何陷阱,我应该留意任何经验,而且你已经任何的最佳做法想出。

Regarding Azure, I have read a number of articles about using Microsoft Azure Storage to store transactional data and am strongly considering doing that instead of using Azure SQL DB. However, I haven't seen or read a number of success stories of real people and/or real companies doing that. So I thought I'd reach out to the SO community to see if anyone has had any experience with using Microsoft Azure Storage, what kind of luck have you had, any gotchas I should look out for, and any best practices that you've come up with.

我已经经历了很多微软的Azure MSDN节,并从微软编程微软Azure表的API文档的阅读。我在寻找切实可行的建议,总结经验教训,提前最佳实践等,谢谢!

I've read through a lot of the Microsoft Azure MSDN section and the programming Microsoft Azure Table API document from Microsoft. I'm looking for practical advice, lessons learned, best practices, etc. Thanks in advance!


Windows Azure的存储就像任何的NoSQL存储。它工作在高规模的情况我们(抽百万每个用户的记录)。然而,传统的CRUD方法是有点难以扩展或适应这种。

Windows Azure storage is just like as any NoSQL storage. It works in high-scale scenarios for us (pumping millions of records per user). However, classical CRUD approach is a bit hard to scale or to adapt to this.

我会建议开始沿着 CQRS风格看的架构的。下面是一些参考资料,可能让你开始:

I would recommend to start looking along the CQRS style of architectures. Here are some references that might get you started:

(包括图案和指导)在开源 Lokad.CQRS项目为Windows Azure Efficient架构Azure的讨论在MSDN Open Source Lokad.CQRS project for Windows Azure (patterns and guidance included) Efficient architectures for Azure discussion at MSDN

