如何使用Servicestack身份验证与Active Directory / Windows身份验证?身份验证、如何使用、Servicestack、Windows

由网友(有事找我别拿试卷吓我妈)分享简介:我创建一个安全(SSL)公共其中的用户凭据驻留在Active Directory服务。我想利用ServiceStack的认证,并已阅读过维基文章。我已经有code编写的验证与AD用户凭据。我有几个问题。I am creating a secure (SSL) public service where the user...

我创建一个安全(SSL)公共其中的用户凭据驻留在Active Directory服务。我想利用ServiceStack的认证,并已阅读过维基文章。我已经有code编写的验证与AD用户凭据。我有几个问题。

I am creating a secure (SSL) public service where the users credentials reside in Active Directory. I want to leverage ServiceStack's Authentication and have read over the wiki article. I already have code written to verify the user credentials with AD. I have a few questions.

在哪个验证提供者适合我?凭据,基本认证或自定义?该服务需要SSL,以便基本验证是安全的,但密码会被加密,以增加安全性。 请我仍然需要存储USERAUTH和缓存AuthUserSession? 请问MonoTouch的客户端支持的认证?

更新2:我也最终使一个测试SS服务,与AD集成,使用CredentialsAuthProvider。但是我的最终目标是拥有1个网站,这是一个API,当客户端调用。所以基本上一个SS MVC的网站。

Update 2: I did end up making a test SS service that integrated with AD, using CredentialsAuthProvider. However my ultimate goal it to have 1 site that is an api when called by clients. So basically a SS MVC site.


这是在做一些调查研究的SS正在考虑这样做,可以支持Windows身份验证,在未来的商业产品后,我的理解。我读这从mythz对SS谷歌的组添加注释。我之所以问这个太问题是,我公司建立使用IWA,采用SS MVC是很难不IWA内部应用​​程序。我想我读,你可能拥有的SS MVC网站关闭使用IWA一个ASP.NET网站,但我还没有尝试过呢。

It is my understanding after doing some more research that SS is considering doing a commercial product that may support Windows Authentication in the future. I read this in a comment from mythz on the SS Google group. The reason I asked this SO question is that my company builds internal applications using IWA and adopting SS MVC is hard without IWA. I think I read that you could host the SS MVC site off of a ASP.NET site that uses IWA but I have not tried that yet.


我也迷上了ServiceStack与集成Windows身份验证(对于企业应用程序),关键是要跳到试图将其与ServiceStack的AuthProviders完全整合,由于IWA的一般方法不处理应用程序中的code凭据 - 它是由Web服务器处理。我所做的是:

I've also hooked up ServiceStack with Integrated Windows Authentication (for a corporate application), and the key was to skip trying to integrate it with ServiceStack's AuthProviders entirely, since the general approach of IWA doesn't deal with credentials in your application code -- it's handled by the web server. What I did was:

在IIS中配置网站/应用程序,以便Windows身份验证是唯一启用的选项。 (没有匿名访问允许的)。这意味着IIS本身会照顾挑战 - 响应(HTTP二百分之四百零一)序列,未授权的用户,并处理过程中,你的身份验证的部分。

Configure the site/application in IIS so that Windows Authentication was the only enabled option. (No Anonymous access allowed.) This means IIS itself will take care of the challenge-response (HTTP 401/200) sequence with unauthenticated users, and handles the authentication part of the process for you.

实施ServiceStack的 IHasRequestFilter (一个HTTP pre请求过滤器)作为属性(例如,[AdminOnly])。该过滤器的RequestFilter方法​​获取来自HttpContext的当前用户名( HttpContext.User.Identity.Name ),看起来它从一个存储库(这可能是一个SQL数据库,平面文件,等),缓存结果使用ServiceStack的 ICacheClient (内存缓存,Redis的,等等),并抛出一个403 HTTPError这样,如果未经授权的。

Implement ServiceStack's IHasRequestFilter (an HTTP pre-request filter) as an Attribute (e.g., [AdminOnly]). This filter's RequestFilter method fetches the current username from HttpContext (HttpContext.User.Identity.Name), looks it up from a repository (which could be a SQL database, flat file, etc.), caches results using ServiceStack's ICacheClient (memory cache, Redis, etc.), and throws a 403 HttpError if unauthorized.


With this done, all that was necessary was to add the attribute to classes or methods where desired (which gets this authentication/authorization into the service pipeline where desired), and register my desired cache provider in my AppHost implementation, e.g.:

 container.Register<ICacheClient>(new MemoryCacheClient() { FlushOnDispose = false });


It works beautifully.


