
由网友(娇似小仙女)分享简介:我试图编写通用的方法来流延类型。我想写点东西像 Cast.To<类型>(可变),而不是的(类型)变量。我错了版本的方法:I'm trying to write generic method to cast types. I want write something like Cast.To(...

我试图编写通用的方法来流延类型。我想写点东西像 Cast.To<类型>(可变),而不是的(类型)变量。 我错了版本的方法:

I'm trying to write generic method to cast types. I want write something like Cast.To<Type>(variable) instead of (Type) variable. My wrong version of this method:

public class Cast
    public static T To<T>(object o)
        return (T) o;


And this is simple test:

public class A
    public static explicit operator B(A a)
        return new B();

public class B

A a = new A();
B b = Cast.To<B>(a);

正如你猜到了,code将无法与 InvalidCastException的

这是code失败,因为虚拟机不知道怎么投类型的变量对象键入 B 在运行时?但是,异常消息说:无法投类型A的对象,B型。因此,CLR知道变量的实际类型 0 ,为什么它不能执行铸造?

Is this code fail because virtual machine doesn't know how to cast variable of type object to type B at run-time? But exception message says: "unable to cast object of type A to type B". So CLR knows about real type of variable o, why it cannot perform casting?

这里是主要的问题:我应该怎么改写方法 T到&lt; T&GT;(对象o)来解决这个问题。

And here is main question: how should I rewrite method T To<T>(object o) to fix this problem?



If you can use c# 4.0 this works:

namespace CastTest
    internal class Program
        private static void Main(string[] args)

            A a = new A();
            B b = Cast.To<B>(a);


        public class Cast
            public static T To<T>(dynamic o)
                return (T)o;

        public class A
            public static explicit operator B(A a)
                return new B();

        public class B
            public void Test()
                Console.WriteLine("It worked!");


