
由网友(你若不坚强,没人替你勇敢)分享简介:我在看C#语言,第4版,它谈论垃圾收集如下:BILL WAGNER:下面的规则是C#和其他托管环境之间的一个重要区别在此之前的应用程序的终止,析构函数的所有的对象还没有被垃圾回收是所谓的,除非这样的清理工作已燮pressed(通过调用库方法GC.Sup pressFinalize例如)所以,我有几个问题在这里:Q1。为...



BILL WAGNER:下面的规则是C#和其他托管环境之间的一个重要区别


在此之前的应用程序的终止,析构函数的所有的对象还没有被垃圾回收是所谓的,除非这样的清理工作已燮pressed(通过调用库方法GC.Sup pressFinalize例如)



Q2。什么会发生在对象 GC.Sup pressFinalize 被称为? 我明白这意味着GC不会把这种对象的终结器(析构函数),如果是的话,什么时候这些对象得到了真正的破坏,使所分配的内存位返回到堆?否则就会有内存泄漏?


怎么会发生在对象GC.Sup pressFinalize叫?我明白这意味着GC不会把这种对象的终结器(析构函数),如果是的话,什么时候这些对象得到了真正的破坏?否则就会有内存泄漏吧?





.Net视频课程排行榜 课程销量榜 近一年销量排行榜 51CTO学院排行榜


所以,现在的问题就出现了:如果有人忘记调用Dispose?请问该文件保持开放的永远的? (显然,该文件将在这个过程结束,但如果该进程运行很长一段时间被关闭?)







怎么会发生这GC.Sup pressFinalize被称为对象?








I'm reading "The C# Language", 4th Edition, it talks about garbage collection as below:

"BILL WAGNER: The following rule is an important difference between C# and other managed environments.

Prior to an application’s termination, destructor's for all of its objects that have not yet been garbage collected are called, unless such cleanup has been suppressed (by a call to the library method GC.SuppressFinalize, for example)."

So I have a couple of questions here:

Q1. Why .net is different from other managed environments (I suppose this is hinting Java?) here? Any particular design concern?

Q2. What will happened to objects that GC.SuppressFinalize is called? I understand that this means GC will not call such objects' finalizer (destructor), if so, when will these objects got really destroyed, so that the allocated memory bits are returned to the heap? Otherwise there'll be Memory Leak?


What will happened to objects that GC.SuppressFinalize is called? I understand that this means GC will not call such objects' finalizer (destructor), if so, when will these objects got really destructed? otherwise there'll be Memory Leak right?

You have a misunderstanding of what finalization is for. Finalization is for cleaning up resources that are not managed memory.

Suppose you have an object of reference type that contains an integer field. That integer field just happens to be a handle to a file that was obtained by calling into unmanaged code to open the file.

Since some other program might want to access that file, it is polite to close the file as soon as possible. But the .NET runtime has no idea that this integer has any special meaning to the operating system. It's just an integer.

The way you solve this problem typically is you mark the object as implementing IDisposable, and then you call "Dispose" on the object as soon as you're done with it. Your implementation of "Dispose" then closes the file.

Note that there is nothing special going on here. It is just a convention that a method that cleans up an unmanaged resource is called "Dispose" and an object that needs to be disposed implements IDisposable. The garbage collection knows absolutely nothing about this.

So now the problem arises: what if someone forgets to call Dispose? Does the file stay open forever? (Clearly the file will be closed when the process ends, but what if the process runs for a long time?)

To solve this problem, you use a finalizer. How does that work?

When an object is about to be garbage collected, the garbage collector checks it to see if it has a finalizer. If it does, then instead of garbage collecting it, it puts it on the finalizer queue. At some unspecified point in the future, a thread runs that examines the queue and calls a special "Finalize" method on every object. After that, the object is removed from the finalization queue and marked as "hey, I've already been finalized". The object is now once again eligable for collection, and so the garbage collector eventually runs and collects the object without putting it on the finalization queue.

Clearly "Finalize" and "Dispose" frequently need to do the same thing.

But now another problem arises. Suppose you dispose an object. Now it does not need to be finalized. Finalization is expensive; it keeps a dead object alive for much longer than it needs to be. Therefore, traditionally when one disposes an object, the implementation of Dispose not only closes the unmanaged resource, it also marks the object as "this object has already been finalized, don't finalize it again". That way it tricks the garbage collector into not putting the object on the finalization queue.

So let's answer your specific questions:

What will happened to objects that GC.SuppressFinalize is called?

When the object is dead the garbage collector will simply reclaim the memory of the object without putting the object on the finalizer queue.

I understand that this means GC will not call such objects' finalizer

The GC never calls a finalizer. The finalizer thread is the only thing that calls finalizers.

when will these objects got really destructed?

It is not clear what you mean by "destructed". If you mean "when will the finalizers run?" the answer is "never" because you said to suppress finalization. If you mean "when will the memory in the managed heap be reclaimed?", the answer is "as soon as the object is identified as dead by the garbage collector". That will happen sooner than normal because the object will not be kept alive by the finalizer queue.


