
由网友(抱走请留言)分享简介:所以我学习MVC3和EF4。我试过code第一种方法,但它是太混乱了我..我可以创建类没有问题,但与外键和相互之间的关系,处理困难的部分来了。 So I am learning MVC3 and EF4. I tried the code first method but it was too confusing...

所以我学习MVC3和EF4。 我试过code第一种方法,但它是太混乱了我..我可以创建类没有问题,但与外键和相互之间的关系,处理困难的部分来了。

So I am learning MVC3 and EF4. I tried the code first method but it was too confusing for me.. I can create the classes no problem, but the hard part comes when dealing with foreign keys and the relationships between each other.


But I've gone with model first. This way I can visually design it and see where the relationships are.


After my model is create, it creates a SQL for me which I execute against my SQL Express database. Done, and done.

现在我想在我的表中的数据。当然,我可以再补充他们使用服务器资源管理器,但最有可能我会做出改变我的模型,我走。而不断更新的数据库。所以,我不能让手动输入数据。我知道,如果你用code首先,你可以推导出 DropCreateDatabaseIfModelChanges 并覆盖方法。

Now I want data in my tables. Of course I can just add them in using server explorer, but most likely I will be making changes to my model as I go along. And keep updating the database. So I can't keep manually entering data. I know if you use code first you can derive the DropCreateDatabaseIfModelChanges and override the seed method.

但是我怎么做到这一点与模型第一种方法? 我有以下的code:

However how do I do this with model first approach? I have the following code:

 public class DatabaseInitializer : IDatabaseInitializer<BettingContext> {
    public void InitializeDatabase(BettingContext context) {
        var teams = new List<Team> {
            new Team { Name="Toronto Maple Leafs", League="NHL"},
            new Team { Name="Boston Bruins", League="NHL"},
            new Team { Name="Vancouver Canucks", League="NHL"},
            new Team { Name="Nashville Predators", League="NHL"},
            new Team { Name="Montreal Canadiens", League="NHL"},


Of course and in my global file:

protected void Application_Start()
    Database.SetInitializer<BettingContext>(new DatabaseInitializer());



so now what? How do I tell it to run the method? What am I doing wrong?



public class MySeedData : DropCreateDatabaseIfModelChanges<YourDataBaseContextClass>
    protected override void Seed(YourDataBaseContextClass context)
       // Create objects here and add them to your context DBSets...


public class YourDataBaseContextClass : DbContext



Database.SetInitializer(new MySeedData());

在你的情况,你可以尝试创建DbSets(使用模型的第一类),手动并尝试使用上面的code堵塞了。这是一种模式首先+ $ C C首先$组成的混合系统。

In your case, you could try creating DbSets (using your model first classes) manually and try to plug it using the code above. It's kind of a mix of Model First + Code First.

public class FourthCoffeeWebContext : DbContext
    public DbSet<Category> Categories { get; set; }
    public DbSet<Product> Products { get; set; }

添加到这一点:CreateDatabaseIfNotExists<(Of &LT;(小于'TContext>)>)>


