一类多的IEnumerable< T>它的接口 - 做什么用的非泛型方法?它的、什么用、接口、方法

由网友(优雅议员)分享简介:我想我明白了为什么的IEnumerable< T> 从的IEnumerable继承,看完帖子后:为什么的IEnumerable< T> 继承自IEnumerable? I think I understand why IEnumerable inherit from IEnumerab...

我想我明白了为什么的IEnumerable< T> 的IEnumerable继承,看完帖子后: 为什么的IEnumerable< T> 继承自IEnumerable?

I think I understand why IEnumerable<T> inherit from IEnumerable, after reading the post: Why does IEnumerable<T> inherit from IEnumerable?

不过,我不知道如何以最佳appling 2通用接口时,实施非泛型方法?这里是code我书面方式的一个例子:

However, I am not sure how best to implement the non-generic method when appling 2 generic interfaces? Here is an example of the code I am writting:

public interface IComponentA { /* ... Interface A Code ... */ }

public interface IComponentB { /* ... Interface B Code ... */ }

public class ComponentModel: IEnumerable<IComponentA>, IEnumerable<IComponentB>
    public ComponentModel() { }

    private List<IComponentA> ListOfComponentA = new List<IComponentA>();
    private List<IComponentB> ListOfComponentB = new List<IComponentB>();

    // ... Some public methods to add and remove components (for A and B).

    IEnumerator<IComponentA> IEnumerable<IComponentA>.GetEnumerator()
        return ListOfComponentA.GetEnumerator();

    IEnumerator<IComponentB> IEnumerable<IComponentB>.GetEnumerator()
        return ListOfComponentB.GetEnumerator();

    // The fact that IEnumerable<T> inherits from the non-generic IEnumerable
    // now means I have to deal with this.
    IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
        // Throwing a NotImplementedException is probably not a good idea
        // so what should I put in here?
        throw new NotImplementedException();



Suggestions of what to put in the non-generic method are welcome please.



I probably wouldn't do that, myself. It can be confusing for a user to have the enumerator enumerate over different things depending on the interface reference calling it, and of course the issue of what the generic returns as well.


Instead, you could just expose a read-only-ish version of the lists as an iterator:

public class ComponentModel
    public ComponentModel() { }

    private List<IComponentA> ListOfComponentA = new List<IComponentA>();
    private List<IComponentB> ListOfComponentB = new List<IComponentB>();

    public IEnumerable<IComponentA> AComponents 
        get { return ListOfComponentA.Skip(0); }

    public IEnumerable<IComponentB> BComponents
        get { return ListOfComponentB.Skip(0); }


通过使用跳过(0)返回一个迭代器,它$ P $从铸造回名单,其中pvents他们; IComponentA&GT; 并修改列表从下你。

By using the Skip(0) you return an iterator, and it prevents them from casting back to List<IComponentA> and modifying the List out from under you.

您也可以使用过程中的 ReadOnlyCollection还,但这些都是有点笨拙,因为他们扔在尝试做变异欢声笑语。

You could also use a ReadOnlyCollection of course, but those are kinda clunky since they throw when you try to do mutating ops.


So now, you can iterate over either:

foreach(var a in myModel.AComponents)

foreach(var b in myModel.BComponents)

此外,如果 A和B组件列表总是具有相同的长度,你可以有一个枚举了一个元组他们在.NET 4.0,并使用LINQ的邮编()方法:

Also, IF A and B component lists always have the same length, you could have an enumerator over a Tuple of them in .NET 4.0 and using the Linq Zip() method:

public IEnumerable<Tuple<IComponetA, IComponetB>> Components
        return ListOfComponentA.Zip(ListOfComponentB, (a,b) => Tuple.Create(a,b));

