我要如何插入/检索的Excel文件的varbinary(max)列在SQL Server 2008?我要、文件、Excel、varbinary

由网友(柠檬没姐萌)分享简介:我想要的Excel文件保存到数据库中,我不想使用FILESTREAM,因为它是需要有一个服务器的。I'm trying to save Excel files into the database, I do not want to use filestream as it is required to have a...


I'm trying to save Excel files into the database, I do not want to use filestream as it is required to have a server for that.

那么,如何插入/更新/选择到具有类型的列的表 VARBINARY(最大)

So how do I insert/update/select into the table that has a column of type varbinary(max)?



If you want to do it in straight ADO.NET, and your Excel files aren't too big so that they can fit into memory at once, you could use these two methods:

// store Excel sheet (or any file for that matter) into a SQL Server table
public void StoreExcelToDatabase(string excelFileName)
    // if file doesn't exist --> terminate (you might want to show a message box or something)
    if (!File.Exists(excelFileName))

    // get all the bytes of the file into memory
    byte[] excelContents = File.ReadAllBytes(excelFileName);

    // define SQL statement to use
    string insertStmt = "INSERT INTO dbo.YourTable(FileName, BinaryContent) VALUES(@FileName, @BinaryContent)";

    // set up connection and command to do INSERT
    using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection("your-connection-string-here"))
    using (SqlCommand cmdInsert = new SqlCommand(insertStmt, connection))
         cmdInsert.Parameters.Add("@FileName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 500).Value = excelFileName;
         cmdInsert.Parameters.Add("@BinaryContent", SqlDbType.VarBinary, int.MaxValue).Value = excelContents;

         // open connection, execute SQL statement, close connection again


To retrieve the Excel sheet back and store it in a file, use this method:

public void RetrieveExcelFromDatabase(int ID, string excelFileName)
    byte[] excelContents;

    string selectStmt = "SELECT BinaryContent FROM dbo.YourTableHere WHERE ID = @ID";

    using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection("your-connection-string-here"))
    using (SqlCommand cmdSelect = new SqlCommand(selectStmt, connection))
        cmdSelect.Parameters.Add("@ID", SqlDbType.Int).Value = ID;

        excelContents = (byte[])cmdSelect.ExecuteScalar();

    File.WriteAllBytes(excelFileName, excelContents);

当然,你可以适应这个您的需求 - 你可以做很多其他的事情,太 - 这取决于你真正想做的事(而不是从你的问题很清楚)

Of course, you can adapt this to your needs - you could do lots of other things, too - depending on what you really want to do (not very clear from your question).


