由网友(因帅被判十年)分享简介:我的客户提供相关的消费者的购物基于其成员在杂货店习惯的各种数据。 My client provides various data related to a consumers shopping habits in grocery stores based on their membership. 他们的一个厂商要进...


My client provides various data related to a consumers shopping habits in grocery stores based on their membership.


One of their vendors wants to tap into the data and build an intranet site for the company. All my client is willing to provide is some form of web service so that the vendor could consume the data as they need and build their intranet site using that data.

什么是推荐的方式来提供这些数据? 2.0 web服务或某种.NET REST服务或WCF服务?

What would be a recommended way to provide this data? 2.0 webservice or some sort of .NET REST service or WCF service?



An example of a search, a hypothetical search could be to get data where consumers bought sugar and bought pie crust between certain dates which could result in 0..n records which need to be sent back to the vendor for their consumption.



Although WCF is a simple way to get a rest service up, particularly if you are consuming it with a .net client, I prefer rolling my own services using ASP MVC.


It gives you much finer grained control over your resources. You can watch HTTP headers for authentication information, content types, etc or return custom HTTP status codes depending on the result of the action. You won't be constrained to the WCF conventions. You will have to do more manual work when consuming the services, but I feel that the end result is worth it.


