通过C#/ vb.net应用程序后/上传的多媒体添加到单词preSS网站?应用程序、单词、多媒体、上传

由网友(恋爱糖分)分享简介:任何人都知道,如果它能够通过一个.NET应用程序中添加图像后,并上传到一个字preSS博客(个体经营托管)? Anyone know if its possible to add a post and upload images to a wordpress blog (self hosted) via a .net...


Anyone know if its possible to add a post and upload images to a wordpress blog (self hosted) via a .net application?

我看我可以使用XML-RPC.net用字preSS XML-RPC接口来说话,但我看到几个真正的文件和各地的样品。

I see i could use XML-RPC.net to talk with the wordpress XML-RPC interface, but i see really few documentation and samples around.


您可以使用 JoeBlogs 库访问的API 。利用这一点,与博客的工作很简单:

You can use JoeBlogs library to access the API. Using that, working with the blog is very simple:

var blog = new WordPressWrapper("https://p.xsw88.cn/allimgs/daicuo/20230903/5113.png.jpg", type = "image/jpeg"});

blog.NewPost(new Post { title = "Hello!", description = "Hello world! <img src="" + image.url + "" />" }, true);

