净TableLayoutPanel中 - 清除控制很慢很慢、TableLayoutPanel

由网友(〆天荒地老的悲哀)分享简介:这是非常简单的。我有一个填充基础数据库查询控件(只是标签,按钮和一些面板的按钮)一个TableLayoutPanel。当数据需要被刷新,我使用TableLayoutPanel.Controls.Clear()。不幸的是,这是一个非常缓慢的操作。我希望它为比code填充表快,但它至少是3或4倍慢I have a Ta...



I have a TableLayoutPanel that is populated with controls (just Labels, Buttons, and some Panels with buttons) based on a database query. When the data needs to be refreshed, I use TableLayoutPanel.Controls.Clear(). Unfortunately, this is a very slow operation. I would expect it to be faster than the code populating the table, but it is at least 3 or 4 times slower.


I definitively proved that the slowness is when executing Controls.Clear() by executing this as the single thing done to the TableLayoutPanel after a message box is displayed (then the procedure returns). The controls visibly disappear from the bottom up. When the recordset is used to repopulate the TableLayoutPanel, the speed of the controls appearing from top to bottom is almost faster than I can see.


I'm already doing TableLayoutPanel.SuspendLayout() and ResumeLayout().

使用 this.DoubleBuffered = TRUE 的形式似乎没有做任何事情。

Using this.DoubleBuffered = true on the form doesn't appear to do anything.

我可以处置的整个控制,并通过code重新创建它,但是这是一个很大的痛苦,使有一个漂亮的窗体设计的GUI毫无意义。我会钻进去,我就控制设置每个属性,并创建一个行code吧(虽然我想我可以得到这个出了设计$ C $的C本身,它仍然感觉错了)。

I could just Dispose the entire control and recreate it through code, but this is a big pain and makes having a nice form designer GUI pointless. I would have to dig into every property I've set on the control and create a line of code for it (though I guess I could get this out of the designer code itself, it still feels wrong).


Any ideas on how to do the job faster? I'm even open to using other methods besides a TableLayoutPanel... I just need the freedom to put multiple buttons per cell or barring that to be able to span columns in the table header.

CAN C#至少冻结整个窗体,而它重绘后再搽一次全部?

Can C# at least freeze the whole form while it redraws and then paint all at once?



I've run into issues with slowness using TableLayoutPanels as well. Rather than setting the DoubleBuffered property on the form, the best solution I have found is to create a new class that inherits from TableLayoutPanel, and in that class' constructor, enable double-buffering:

public class DoubleBufferedTableLayoutPanel : TableLayoutPanel
    public DoubleBufferedTableLayoutPanel()
        DoubleBuffered = true;


Then, use the DoubleBufferedTableLayoutPanel wherever you would normally use a TableLayoutPanel.


