性能 - 通过值或引用?或引用、性能

由网友(扁鹊重生、可否医情伤)分享简介:我有这暴露了一个的ArrayList 以下公共财产:I've got the following public property which exposes an Arraylist:public ArrayList SpillageRiskDescriptions{get{return _SpillageRisk...

我有这暴露了一个的ArrayList 以下公共财产:

I've got the following public property which exposes an Arraylist:

public ArrayList SpillageRiskDescriptions
                return _SpillageRiskDescriptions;
                _SpillageRiskDescriptions = value;


Elsewhere I'm calling

SpillageRiskDescriptions.Add("VENTILATE AREA");
SpillageRiskDescriptions.Add("DO NOT ALLOW SPILLAGE TO ENTER MAINS");

这些似乎(通过属性)来将元素添加到私人的ArrayList _SpillageRiskDescriptions 而我会一直期待这会导致一个问题。所以我是正确的思想,属性返回一个引用以原始变量,而不是通过的价值传递给它?这是因为的ArrayList 是引用类型?将在同一个发生在一个 INT (比如?)

These seem to be adding elements to the private ArrayList _SpillageRiskDescriptions (through the property) whereas I would've expected this to cause a problem. Therefore am I correct in thinking that properties return a reference to the original variable and not passing it by value? Is this because ArrayList is a reference type? Will the same happen with an int (for example?)



Technically it's always by value, but you have to understand what is being passed. Since it's a reference type, you are passing a reference back (but by value).


Hope that makes sense. You always pass the result back by value, but if the type is a reference you are passing the reference back by value, which means you can change the object, but not which object it refers to.


