什么是正确的方式来动态地添加的条款人数不详到LINQ 2 SQL查询?条款、人数、正确、方式

由网友(一个人的青春战役)分享简介:该函数用于返回联系人列表为用户搜索输入。的搜索术语的数目总是至少有一个,但也可以是许多This function is used to return a contact list for a users search input. The number of search terms is always at lea...


This function is used to return a contact list for a users search input. The number of search terms is always at least one, but could be many.

public IList<Contact> GetContacts(string[] searchTerms)
    using (dbDataContext db = new dbDataContext())
        var contacts = from _contacts in db.Contacts
                       orderby _contacts.LastName ascending, _contacts.FirstName ascending
                       select _contacts;

        foreach (string term in searchTerms)
            contacts = (IOrderedQueryable<Contact>)contacts.Where(x => SqlMethods.Like(x.FirstName, "%" + term + "%")
                                                                    || SqlMethods.Like(x.MiddleName, "%" + term + "%")
                                                                    || SqlMethods.Like(x.LastName, "%" + term + "%")
                                                                    || SqlMethods.Like(x.PreferredName, "%" + term + "%"));

        return contacts.ToList<Contact>();


The problem is in the loop. Only the last search term is ever used, even though the generated sql looks correct (as in the correct amount of clauses are generated for the number of terms).

例如 - 如果我通过两个术语(安德烈,SM),生成的SQL节目条款两块为expeted,但仅使用平方米作为两个块的参数

Example - if I pass two terms ('andr','sm'), the sql generated shows two blocks of clauses as expeted, but only uses 'sm' as the param in both blocks.


What am I doing wrong? Should I even be using SqlMethods?


也许问题是捕获循环变量的术语。 试试这个:

Maybe the problem is with capturing the loop variable term. Try this:

foreach (string term in searchTerms) 
    string t = term;  
    contacts = ... // use t instead of term

