我如何建立与实体框架$ C C首先$一对一的关系实体、框架、关系

由网友(最熟悉的陌生人)分享简介:我一直在阅读所有关于人谁是建立一个一对一的 EF 关系,谷歌和SO网页,但它只是不为我工作。I've been reading all the Google and SO pages about people who are establishing a one to one relationship in EF b...

我一直在阅读所有关于人谁是建立一个一对一的 EF 关系,谷歌和SO网页,但它只是不为我工作。

I've been reading all the Google and SO pages about people who are establishing a one to one relationship in EF but it just isn't working for me.



public int Id {get; set;}
public virtual AccountConfig AccountConfig {get; set;}


HasKey(t => t.Id);
HasRequired(t => t.AccountConfig)


public int Id {get; set;}
public int AccountId {get; set;}
public virtual Account Account {get; set;}


Account Config Map:

HasKey(t => t.Id);
HasRequired(t => t.Account)
    .WithOptional(t => t.AccountConfig);

当执行时,在 AccountConfig 属性帐户 NULL AccountConfig 是一个不正确的记录(巧合的是,该检索帐户.ID 是一样的 AccountConfig.Id ,但我不知道这意味着什么)。

When executed, the AccountConfig property on Account is NULL and the Account property on AccountConfig is an incorrect record (coincidentally, the retrieved Account.Id is the same as the AccountConfig.Id, but I don't know if that means anything).

在数据库中,帐户表没有一个参照 AccountConfig 记录,但 AccountConfig 表中有一个引用帐户使用的AccountId 列纪录

In the database, the Account table doesn't have a reference to the AccountConfig record but the AccountConfig table has a reference to the Account record using the AccountId column.

最终的结果将是对我来说,有一个参照 AccountConfig 帐户键,(如果可能) ,引用帐户 AccountConfig

The end result would be for me to have a reference to the AccountConfig from Account and (if possible), a reference to Account from AccountConfig.


通过EF,一到一对一的关系只支持共享一个主键的表。你的 AccountConfig 表都有自己的主键,以及一个外键帐户。 EF仅支持一对许多具有此配置关系

With EF, one-to-one relationships are only supported on tables that share a primary key. Your AccountConfig table has its own primary key, and a foreign key to Account. EF only supports a one-to-many relationship with this configuration.

本文有1和1:在EF 0..1关系1很好的解释。这里的限制是这样的事实 EF尚不支持唯一约束的一个副产品。

This article has a nice explanation of 1:1 and 1:0..1 relationships in EF. The restriction here is a by-product of the fact that EF doesn't yet support unique constraints.