
由网友(说等却又走)分享简介:我想实现与扩展的解析功能库。我决定,我会用fsyacc,因为我从大学就知道了。不幸的是我遇到了以下问题。 I am trying to implement a library with extended parsing capabilities. I decided that I will use fsyacc be...


I am trying to implement a library with extended parsing capabilities. I decided that I will use fsyacc because I knew it from the university. Unfortunately I encountered following problem.


I defined a class for the head of my grammar (Head) and place its implementation in a single file. Then I defined parser as:

%start head
%type <Head> head

Fsyacc产生seeparated模块(解析器)。为了取得成功,就必须在下列顺序编译: Head.fs Parser.fs

Fsyacc generates seeparated module (Parser). In order to succeed it has to be compiled in following order: Head.fs Parser.fs


In order to make this library similar to what you can find in .NET I would like to add a static Parse method to Head. Unfortunately I would need to make use of methods from Parser module.


I know that such type dependencies can be solved with 'and' operator but it is only applicable to types defined in one file.

是否有任何其他的方法来创建依赖于对方,甚至当他们在不同的文件?我一直在寻找像在C / C申报/实施分离机制++的类型,但我couldn 找不到任何东西。

Is there any other way to create types that depend on each other even when they are in separate files? I was looking for declaration/implementation separation mechanism like the one in C/C++ but I couldn't find anything.


简短的回答:没有。有没有办法做到在多个文件相互递归实体在F#2.0。 (这是我们计划中的语言的下一个版本,以解决一些事情。)

Short answer: no. There's no way to do mutually recursive entities across multiple files in F# 2.0. (This is something we plan to address in the next version of the language.)


You can work around this in a variety of ways, typically using a point of indirection and mutation. For example, your Head type could have a static 'InitializeParser' method that pokes a function value into a mutable global variable, and then the static Parse method defined in Head could call via that mutable global, and after the parser is actually defined, it can go and call InitializeParser to poke the value in. (If that doesn't make sense, I can spell it out in more detail.)


