IronPython的+ Emacs的?IronPython、Emacs

由网友(情醉余生)分享简介:我已经决定进入IronPython的,因为我在使用.NET pretty的多只,但需要的东西一点点比C#少闷嘲弄了快速的东西。 Python已经被罚款,小东西,一次性测试,诸如此类的东西,但它是我需要能够得到我们的一些.NET code点。I've decided to get into IronPython, as...

我已经决定进入IronPython的,因为我在使用.NET pretty的多只,但需要的东西一点点比C#少闷嘲弄了快速的东西。 Python已经被罚款,小东西,一次性测试,诸如此类的东西,但它是我需要能够得到我们的一些.NET code点。

I've decided to get into IronPython, as I work pretty much exclusively in .NET, but need something a little less stuffy than C# for mocking up quick stuff. Python has been fine for small things, throwaway tests, that sort of stuff, but it's to the point that I need to be able to get to some of our .NET code.


Despite my complete revulsion, I've been using emacs for Python editing, and I'd like to use it for IronPython as well, assuming it's possible. Google has not been forthcoming with resources, so I thought I'd see if anybody around here knew of a way to get that working.



You can use IronPython as if it were a standard Jython interpreter in emacs.

这假设您正在使用 EmacsW32 并已安装的蟒蛇模式从启动板。 (请注意,从启动板的蟒蛇模式是从自带的emacsw32蟒蛇模式不同的!)

This assumes that you are using EmacsW32 and that you have installed python-mode from launchpad. (Note that python-mode from launchpad IS DIFFERENT from the python mode that comes with emacsw32!)

请确保您已 IronPython的安装的,你知道它在文件系统中的位置。

Make sure you have IronPython installed, and you know its location on the filesystem.

打开emacs的,然后打开文件〜/ emacs的,并添加一行code,设置可变PY-Jython的命令,使其指向IronPython的,如下图所示。你想改变以下

Open up emacs, then open the file ~/.emacs and add a line of code that sets the variable py-jython-command to point to IronPython, as below. You'll want to change the value below

(setq PY-Jython的命令C:/ Program Files文件/ IronPython的2.0.1 / ipy.exe)

(setq py-jython-command "c:/Program Files/IronPython 2.0.1/ipy.exe")


Restart emacs to make sure that variable is set correctly.


Open a python file, hit control-c control-t to toggle to the Jython(IronPython) shell, then hit control-c ! to start up the shell.


At this point you can hit control-c control-c to execute the contents of the open file inside IronPython, or just play around inside IronPython.


The directions above assume that you can install python-mode, but if you don't know how to do that, I can add more instructions.


Also, I'd be happy to expand on any of this if it's unclear.


