
由网友(習慣性赖着你)分享简介:我希望从我的活动中打开一个计算器。这是我的code,现在,它的工作原理:I'm looking to open a calculator from within my Activity. Here's my code right now and it works:Intent i = new Intent();...


I'm looking to open a calculator from within my Activity. Here's my code right now and it works:

Intent i = new Intent();


I would like to make this an implicit call because I don't know what calculator the use would like to use and I would like to leave the option open to receive a value from the calculator, which the android one apparently doesn't do. I haven't been able to find a good example of how to implicitly ask for a type of application.

我已经看了 http://www.openintents.org/en/intentstable 但我想我不完全了解如何使用该网站。

I've looked at http://www.openintents.org/en/intentstable but I guess I don't completely understand how to use that site.


I think I understand the intent of intents, but maybe I just don't have a firm grasp on how to use them. Any help would be very appreciated.


你有什么可能是最好的,你可以做。我刚检查了AndroidManifest.xml中的 com.android.calculator2.Calculator ,它不听任何其他意图。

What you have is probably the best you can do. I just checked the AndroidManifest.xml for com.android.calculator2.Calculator and it doesn't listen for any other intents.


