为使1600×1200 Android模拟器的工作模拟器、为使、工作、Android

由网友(领口还有唇印")分享简介:我已经试过编辑Android的外观布局是1600×1200和仿真器无法弹出一个窗口。它工作正常,像1024x480等,但没有大的分辨率较小的分辨率。虽然即使有1024x480,仿真器窗口的一部分,是交通不便,不​​可见的。我的问题是,是否有人作出了这项工作,如果有什么不其布局文件或者其他的变化是什么样子?I've t...


I've tried editing android's skin layout in the emulator to be 1600x1200 and the emulator fails to bring up a window. It works fine for smaller resolutions like 1024x480 and such but not big resolutions. Although even with 1024x480, part of the emulator window is inaccessible and not visible. My question is whether anyone has made this work and if so what does their layout file or other changes look like?



The emulator currently doesn't support this (it is a limit on the size of some memory areas it uses). You don't need to run with such a resolution, though, because there are no devices shipping with that size.


For sizes like 1024x480 that you say parts are not visible, I assume this is because the window at the resolution doesn't fit on your computer's screen? If so, you can supply an argument to the emulator (I forget what it is exactly) to scale the screen down so it will fit. Though of course you won't then be seeing all of the pixels your app is drawing.


