地图API V2具有不同的标志行动标志、不同、行动、地图

由网友(有你在的温暖)分享简介:我想我的端口应用到新的谷歌地图API第2版,但我与标记交互时遇到了麻烦。 I'm trying to port my application to the new Google Maps API v2, but i'm having trouble when interacting with markers. 我的...


I'm trying to port my application to the new Google Maps API v2, but i'm having trouble when interacting with markers.


My context: I have a map showing buses and buses stop. With the old library I had my own ItemizedOverlay for bus stops and another one for buses. Each one had a different OnTapListener (actually I use an external library to show balloons), so when the user taps the bus marker nothing happens, but when he taps the bus stop marker an activity with its information is opened. Also, in my ItemizedOverlay I mapped each marker with its bus stop object of the model.


Now with the new API I have 2 main problems:

您设置一个侦听器setOnInfoWindowClickListener()或setOnMarkerClickListener()你的GoogleMap对象的方法。换句话说,你只能设置一个监听器为整个地图,所以我不能抽头之间的区别在公交车站或公交车。 这两个标记的onclick方法只能得到标记对象,从那里我不能得到太多信息,如公交车站数以打开其活动(我希望有一个比分析标题字符串更好的办法!O_O )


I think these two problems could be resolved using different subclases of Marker, but it has no constructor and you get its reference when adding it to the map, so I don't know if it's possible to use a custom implementation.


The API is new so there isn't much information on the web about similar problems. I've been trying to figure out how to solve this, but I got nothing. Does anyone know a possible solution to this?



A screenshot from my current application's map with two types of markers:


我遇到了这个问题为好。 我的解决办法是:

I have run into this problem as well. My solution was:

private Map<Marker, MyModel> markerMap = new HashMap<>();
private GoogleMap mMap;

private void doMarkers(){
    MarkerOptions opt = new MarkerOptions();
    //Fill out opt from MyModel
    Marker marker = mMap.addMarker(opt);
    markerMap.put(marker, myModel);

然后在OnMarkerClickListener回调,拉你出来的模型用点击的标记HashMap中的。 还有一种方法Marker.getId(),它由于某种原因,返回字符串。我不明白为什么当你做出标记,你不能指定一个int ID,或者你为什么不能访问标记对象将其添加到地图前。

and then in the OnMarkerClickListener callback, pull your model out of the HashMap using the clicked marker. There is also a method Marker.getId() which for some reason returns a string. I don't understand why you can't specify an int id when you make the marker, or why you can't access the marker object before you add it to the map.


