基于时间的词典/ Hashtable的128位密钥,即超时值不在字典密钥、字典、词典、时间

由网友(°·月亱相携)分享简介:我有必要做一个基于时间的词典哈希表的大小,它不是无限增长。I have a need to make a time-based dictionary hashtable that doesn't grow infinitely in size.通过基于时间,我特别的意思是,如果我要添加一个词典在时间X,我想的项目不...


I have a need to make a time-based dictionary hashtable that doesn't grow infinitely in size.

通过基于时间,我特别的意思是,如果我要添加一个词典在时间X,我想的项目不是在X + Y的时间存在。 Y是超时时间。

By "time-based", I specifically mean that if I were to add a dictionary at time X, I would like the item to not exist at X+Y time. Y being the timeout period.


I'm willing to store the time in the dictionary or as a structure in the key or value.



I get "callbacks" called by a library that we're using which gives me 4 pieces of information (time, key, value, operationType).


operationType can be start or end (there are others, but it doesn't matter).


So if I get an end within the Y time period after X, I'm happy to use this useful information. Otherwise I can discard it.



Is this basically a Timer-thread that cleans up the dictionary every Y intervals, and the main thread keeps adding stuff into this dictionary from the callback?


I used Dictionary to do this, without a timer and it seemed to grow infinitely even though I removed the elements that I was able to "join".


Also, is there some sort of .NET library that does something like this?


您可以消除不必使用优先级队列(或只是一个最小堆)和相关的字典定期扫描整个集合。不幸的是,在.NET Framework不包括一个优先队列集合,但也有一些可用的。我发表了简单的二进制堆而回。

You can eliminate having to scan the entire collection periodically by using a priority queue (or just a min heap) and an associated dictionary. Unfortunately, the .NET Framework doesn't include a priority queue collection, but there are some available. I published a simple binary heap a while back.


The idea here is that when you add an item, you add it to the dictionary and to the heap. If you want to look up an item by its key, you look it up in the dictionary. If you want to remove the first item from the heap, you get it from the heap and, using the key (which is part of the data), remove it from the dictionary.


The beauty is that, rather than having to scan the entire dictionary to determine which ones need to be removed, you can peek at the top of the heap:

while (heap.Count > 0 && heap.Peek().ExpirationTime < time)
    var item = heap.RemoveRoot();


The primary drawback to this approach is that it takes a bit more memory because you have the overhead of the dictionary entries.


