


I have a service that I need to be able to start and stop with a button. I am using a ServiceController in a seperate program and everything works as intended when I run this seperate program as an administrator. However, I need to be able to control this service as anyone. How can I set the permissions for my service so that everyone has full control of it? This needs to be done programatically as either part of the service, or the install. It is a localservice written in vb.net.



1)你可以要求你的应用程序作为管理员运行。您的应用程序启动时,都将与UAC(在Windows 7和Vista)的提示,你的申请将被提升到所需要的水平。

1) You can require that your application runs as an administrator. Every time your application starts, you will be prompted with the UAC (on Windows 7 and Vista) and your application will be elevated to the required level.



2) Your application can request an elevation when the action is required to stop and start the service. It would do this by starting another application at a higher level and this other application will do the actual start and stop.


3)preferred选项,恕我直言 - 你应该建立自己的服务来运行所有的时间,但只是没有做任何事情,除了监听通过TCP / IP,命名管道或其他一些通信机制的请求。那么你的服务可以启动或停止一个线程执行的实际工作。

3) Preferred option, IMHO - You should build your service to run all of the time but just not do anything other than listen for requests via TCP/IP, Named Pipes or some other communication mechanism. Your service can then start or stop a thread that performs the real work.


4) You can modify the service rights. Here are some posts that give some information on this (I would still prefer option 3):

Start /从非管理员用户帐户停止Windows服务

Start / Stop a Windows Service from a non-Administrator user account





I have changed some text and added option 4 based on Harry's comment. It seems that there are ways of tweaking the permissions. These require administrator rights initially but if you bundle something like swsc (third link) with your installation, you could use it to set the rights for you. I am not sure if there are any license implications for doing this. Alternatively, you could use a variant of the code he pasted.


