ASP.NET MVC的WebGrid未正确通过电流参数到分页链接在特定情况下分页、电流、正确、参数

由网友(今晚的月亮很殷勤)分享简介:的WebGrid 分页链接在所有情况下正常工作,除了一个(我发现)。WebGrid pagination links work properly in all cases, except one (that I noticed).在使用 CheckBoxFor MVC中,它创建了一个输入[类型=隐藏] 和输入[...

的WebGrid 分页链接在所有情况下正常工作,除了一个(我发现)。

WebGrid pagination links work properly in all cases, except one (that I noticed).

在使用 CheckBoxFor MVC中,它创建了一个输入[类型=隐藏] 输入[类型=复选框] 为同一字段,以便它可以处理的状态。所以,如果你有一个名为 X 字段,并在 GET 方法提交表单,你最终会与像这样的网址:

When you use CheckBoxFor in MVC, it creates an input[type=hidden] and an input[type=check-box] for the same field so that it can handle state. So, if you have a field named X and submit your form in the GET method, you will end up with an URL like this:

默认的模型粘合剂可以了解这些多个实例OS X 并计算出它的价值。

The default model binder can understand these multiple instances os X and figure out it's value.

当您尝试在分页的WebGrid 将出现问题。它的行为是试图抓住当前请求的参数,并再经过他们在分页链接。然而,由于有多个 X ,它会通过 X =假,真而不是预期的 X =假 X =假放; X =真

The problem occurs when you try to paginate the WebGrid. It's behavior is to try catch the current request parameters and repass them in the pagination links. However, as there's more than one X, it will pass X=false,true instead of the expected X=false or X=false&X=true

这是一个问题,因为 X =假,真将无法正确绑定。它会在模型​​的粘合剂,现有的行动的一开始就触发一个例外。

That's a problem because X=false,true won't bind properly. It will trigger an exception in the model binder, prior to the beggining of the action.


Is there a way I can solve it?


这似乎是一个很具体的问题,但事实并非如此。近一个复选框,每一个搜索形式将打破的WebGrid分页。 (如果您使用的是GET)

It seems like a very specific problem but it's not. Nearly every search form with a check box will break the WebGrid pagination. (If you are using GET)



I think my only 2 options are:

在建立自己的WebGrid寻呼机是在传递参数分页链接更聪明 在建立自己的布尔模型绑定的理解假的,真正的为有效 Build my own WebGrid pager that is more clever on passing parameters for pagination links Build my own Boolean model binder that understands false,true as valid



In case anybody else is suffering from the issue described, you can work around this using a custom model binder like this:

public class WebgridCheckboxWorkaroundModelBinder : DefaultModelBinder
    protected override void BindProperty(ControllerContext controllerContext, ModelBindingContext bindingContext, System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor)
        if (propertyDescriptor.PropertyType == typeof (Boolean))
            var value = bindingContext.ValueProvider.GetValue(propertyDescriptor.Name);
            if (value.AttemptedValue == "true,false")
                PropertyInfo prop = bindingContext.Model.GetType().GetProperty(propertyDescriptor.Name, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
                if (null != prop && prop.CanWrite)
                    prop.SetValue(bindingContext.Model, true, null);

        base.BindProperty(controllerContext, bindingContext, propertyDescriptor);

