重复内容的Office Open XML内容、Office、XML、Open

由网友(时光深处,你我安好)分享简介:我已经检查出什么是可能的的Office Open XML规范文档。我在能够自定义XML的内容添加到文档并将其绑定到内容控件特别感兴趣。我想知道是否有可能有重复的内容控制型?I've been checking out what is possible with the Office Open XML specific...

我已经检查出什么是可能的的Office Open XML规范文档。我在能够自定义XML的内容添加到文档并将其绑定到内容控件特别感兴趣。我想知道是否有可能有重复的内容控制型?

I've been checking out what is possible with the Office Open XML specification for documents. I'm particularly interested in being able to add custom XML content to a document and binding it to content controls. I was wondering if it is possible to have a repeating content control type?


For example, say I have some custom XML in my .docx file that looks like so:

      <Name>Jane Doe</Name>
      <Name>John Doe</Name>


Is there any repeating content control (similar to an ASP repeater) that I could use to generate output that looks something like

李四(jane@abc.com) 李四(john@xyz.com)


If there are no types of controls, I guess I could do some processing on the word document itself to generate a list. Has anyone done this and have some helpful pointers?



As 0xA3 says, there is nothing built-in like this, it would be WordprocessingML-manipulated. But here is an example of pulling data from a database to create multiple entries: Pushing Data from a Database into a Word Document.

此外,在数据绑定一般的主题,这里是一个很好的入门教程:链接的Word 2007内容控件添加到自定义XML 。

Also, on the subject of databinding in general, here is a good starter tutorial: Linking Word 2007 Content Controls to Custom XML.


