提高MS Excel的写作成绩成绩、MS、Excel

由网友(我的心被淋湿)分享简介:我现在面临性能问题,同时读取/自/至MS-Excel单元格中写入数据。我使用的MS Excel 11.0对象库自动化与VB.NET。I am facing performance issues while reading/writing data from/to MS-Excel cells. I am using...

我现在面临性能问题,同时读取/自/至MS-Excel单元格中写入数据。我使用的MS Excel 11.0对象库自动化与VB.NET。

I am facing performance issues while reading/writing data from/to MS-Excel cells. I am using MS Excel 11.0 object library for automation with VB.NET.

目前需要花费太多的时间来阅读和/到Excel文件编写。 (10分钟阅读1000行:(),看来细胞通过细胞的阅读和写作的方式是不是effiecient。有没有办法使用批量操作来读/写数据?

Currently it takes too much time to read and write from/to Excel files. (10 mins to read 1000 rows :( ). It seems the cell-by-cell reading and writing approach is not that effiecient. Is there any way to read/write data using bulk operation?



Rather than reading cell by cell you could read a whole range and save it into a 2D arrray. You can then access the 2D array as you would access a cell in excel.


I'm not well versed in VB.NET for excel objects but if you understand C# then give this link a quick read and try to implement it.

http://dotnetperls.com/excel-interop 阅读获得工作簿的数据部分

http://dotnetperls.com/excel-interop Read the "Getting workbook data" section


