甲骨文VS的SQL Server的.NET项目甲骨文、项目、VS、SQL

由网友(不是谁辜负了誓言,而是被时间扯淡了思念。)分享简介:我知道,甲骨文是一个总体良好的数据库引擎,但我​​认为这是在部署太难了与Microsoft SQL服务器解决方案比较一个.NET项目。I know that Oracle is a generally good database engine but I think it is too difficult in de...

我知道,甲骨文是一个总体良好的数据库引擎,但我​​认为这是在部署太难了与Microsoft SQL服务器解决方案比较一个.NET项目。

I know that Oracle is a generally good database engine but I think it is too difficult in deployment for a .NET projects comparing with native Microsoft SQL server solutions.

(我需要同时安装x32-和64位客户端组件和配置TNS的名字为他们两个,再加上安装分布式事务的Oracle支持。不是说你需要为了得到这些二进制文件与Oracle进行注册。 )

(I needed to install both x32- and x64-bit client components and configure TNS names for both of them, plus install Distributed Transactions support for Oracle. Not saying that you need to register with Oracle in order to get those binaries.)


Still I've seen some .NET projects with Oracle.

什么是使用Oracle在SQL Server中的好处是什么?任何特定的场景中它是唯一的选择?

What are the benefits in using Oracle over SQL Server? Any specific scenarios where it is the only choice?


Would you use Oracle for your .NET project?


我将开始与此:DB引擎的性能的选择,没有什么区别的几十亿行的这一面:它归结为code质量和数据库设计。随着数十亿行,存储/ SAN /网络/ BCP计划是至关重要的。

I'll start with this: The choice of DB engine for performance makes no difference this side of billions of rows: it comes down to code quality and database design. With billions of rows, your storage/SAN/network/BCP planning is paramount.

从一般易于部署和支持的这将是SQL Server的;这里有没有坏处。

From a general ease of deployment and support it would be SQL Server; there are no cons here.


