
由网友(十夏九黎)分享简介:我是不是密集在这里? StreamReader.ReadLine 指出:Am I being dense here? StreamReader.ReadLine states that:一个行被定义为一个字符序列后跟一个换行符(\ N),回车(\ r)或回车后紧跟一个换行符(\ r \ N )A line is...

我是不是密集在这里? StreamReader.ReadLine 指出:

Am I being dense here? StreamReader.ReadLine states that:

一个行被定义为一个字符序列后跟一个换行符( N),回车( r)或回车后紧跟一个换行符( r N )

A line is defined as a sequence of characters followed by a line feed ("n"), a carriage return ("r") or a carriage return immediately followed by a line feed ("rn")


So, why doesn't this work as expected?

' Server
Dim tcpL as New TcpListener(IPAddress.Any, 5000)
Using tcpC as TcpClient = tcpL.AcceptTcpClient(), _
s as NetworkStream = tcpC.GetStream(), _
sr as New StreamReader(s, System.Text.Encoding.ASCII, True)
   Dim message As String = sr.ReadLine()
End Using

' Client
Using tcpC as New TcpClient()
  tcpC.Connect(IPAddress.Loopback, 5000)
  Using s as NetworkStream = tcpC.GetStream(), _
  sw as New StreamWriter(s, System.Text.Encoding.ASCII)
     sw.AutoFlush = True
     sw.Write("Hello there!")
     sw.Write(vbCR) ' Note the CR terminator
  End Using
End Using

服务器将不会从的ReadLine 返回直至断开 - 尽管CR发送。如果我更改为 vbLF vbCRLF 它会返回预期。

The server will not return from ReadLine until a disconnect - even though CR is sent. If I change to a vbLF, or vbCRLF it'll return as expected.


Are the docs wrong, or am I screwing something up here....?


的ReadLine 正在观望下一个字符是什么。如果它是一个换行符,它要吞下它。如果你写的任何其他字符的作家,这将使它返回行了。

ReadLine is waiting to see what the next character is. If it's a line feed, it wants to swallow it. If you write any other characters to the writer, that'll make it return the line too.

这是历史的混乱行结束的不幸的必然结果。这或许会更有意义的的TextReader 要记住,它需要潜在吞下一个字符读取它(并立即返回行),但生活就是这样。

It's an unfortunate corollary of the historical confusion over line terminators. It would probably have made more sense for TextReader to remember that it needed to potentially swallow the next character it read (and return the line immediately) but such is life.


