

我想换一个机器人搜索栏的行为,使二级Android的搜索栏实际上是画在主要的android搜索栏的顶部。从这里列出的进度文档: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/widget/ProgressBar.html#attr_android:secondaryProgress

I would like to change the behavior of an android seekbar so that the secondary android seekbar is actually drawn on top of the primary android seekbar. From the ProgressBar documentation listed here: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/widget/ProgressBar.html#attr_android:secondaryProgress

这是进步的主要进展和之间绘制   背景。

This progress is drawn between the primary progress and the background.


Current look of secondary Progress bar:


Desired look of secondary progress bar:

在理想情况下,我想覆盖ProgressBar.java在Android的一个方法来改变图纸的顺序,使二次进度条上绘制的主要进度条的顶部,但我已经很难找到合适的区域在源$ C ​​$ C覆盖。任何想法去哪里找?

Ideally I'd like to override a method in ProgressBar.java in Android to change the order of drawing so that the secondary progress bar is drawn on top of the primary progress bar, but I've had difficulty finding the proper area in the source code to override. Any ideas where to look?


I have had success attempting to draw two progress bars one on top of another using a relative layout, but this approach requires creating two controls.



This is a late answer, but just I found out how to do this. Not that difficult :)


First of all look at how the progress drawable is defined in the android project [here].(https://github.com/android/platform_frameworks_base/blob/master/core/res/res/drawable/progress_horizontal_holo_dark.xml)


All you have to do is switch the order of secondaryProgress and progress so that progress comes before (lies below) secondaryProgress like this:

<item android:id="@android:id/background"
      android:drawable="@android:drawable/progress_bg_holo_dark" />

<item android:id="@android:id/progress">
    <scale android:scaleWidth="100%"
           android:drawable="@android:drawable/progress_primary_holo_dark" />

<item android:id="@android:id/secondaryProgress">
    <scale android:scaleWidth="100%"
           android:drawable="@android:drawable/progress_secondary_holo_dark" />

现在可悲的是这些资源都是不公开的。所以,你必须复制 progress_bg_holo_dark.9.png , progress_primary_holo_dark.9.png 和 progress_secondary_holo_dark.9.png 您的项目绘制-xhdpi文件夹(也许到跟其他dpi的图像,以及)。

Now sadly those resources are not public. So you will have to copy progress_bg_holo_dark.9.png, progress_primary_holo_dark.9.png and progress_secondary_holo_dark.9.png to your projects drawable-xhdpi folder (and maybe to the same with other dpi images as well).


Then adjust the xml file like the following (just remove "android:"):

<item android:id="@android:id/background"
      android:drawable="@drawable/progress_bg_holo_dark" />

<item android:id="@android:id/progress">
    <scale android:scaleWidth="100%"
           android:drawable="@drawable/progress_primary_holo_dark" />

<item android:id="@android:id/secondaryProgress">
    <scale android:scaleWidth="100%"
           android:drawable="@drawable/progress_secondary_holo_dark" />


