Android的 - 如何运行你的传感器(服务,螺纹,活动)?你的、螺纹、传感器、Android

由网友(帝王朝天笑)分享简介:我在写一个简单的倾斜游戏。让球翻身的方向,你倾斜你的手机屏幕上。I'm writing a simple tilting game. Make a ball roll over the screen in the direction you tilt your phone.于是我下载了如何获得传感器数据为例,工作正...


I'm writing a simple tilting game. Make a ball roll over the screen in the direction you tilt your phone.


So I downloaded an example on how to get the sensor data and that works fine (I use a rotation matrix to avoid the Euler angle problem). But then I tried to put it into a bigger app and I have some trouble getting it to work.

我的第一个想法是运行在一个单独的线程中的倾斜传感器,但 我班:公共类TiltSensor扩展Thread实现SensorEventListener 不工作很好地。 我得到一个回合的值,然后停止。

My first idea was to run the tilt sensor in a separate thread but my class: public class TiltSensor extends Thread implements SensorEventListener is not working to well. I get one round of values then it stops.


How would you implement this app?

我不想阻止用户界面线程,所以我想我需要一个单独的线程(GameHandler)来运行游戏,然后我打电话runOnUithread并从那里查看无效。我还分隔板重presentation从View所以我会重新present屏幕作为一个矩阵,那么该视图使用矩阵知道屏幕应该是什么样子。 但我不能确定什么是最好的方式来实施TiltSensor。如果在一个单独的线程或同一个线程的GameHandler运行?我如何确保实际的SensorManager调用onSensorChanged在GameHandler线程?

I don't want to block the UI thread so I'm thinking I need a separate thread (GameHandler) to run the game and then I call runOnUithread and from there invalidate the View. I'd also separate the board representation from the View so I'd represent the screen as a matrix and then the view would use that matrix to know how the screen should look. But I am unsure what the best way to implement the TiltSensor. Should it run in a separate thread or the same thread as the GameHandler? How do I make sure the SensorManager actually calls the onSensorChanged in the GameHandler thread?



In my humble experience, you should:


A) Register your SensorListener on your main thread normally, but make it spawn two (or as needed) WorkerThreads on its constructor.


B) Get the looper reference of both threads, to keep them alive waiting for future requests.


B) Listen to your onSensorChanged on your main thread normally, but do NOTHING OTHER (this is important) then delegate a copy of the values to a new runnable object that will process your game logic.


C) Enqueue your new runnable object on your WorkerThread looper reference accordingly.


D) Make the runnables (that are already off your main thread) do what they have to do and synchronize changes to a singleton that may be consulted by who is interested in updating your views.


