
由网友(Memory 回忆)分享简介:我有日期存储在文本中sqllite数据库的形式。的格式是DD-MM-YYYY。我想提出一个查询,选择具有日期在给定的两个日期之间的行。当我查询数据库,查询日期属于同月,我​​得到的结果。但是,当的时间范围属于不同月份,它不返回行。对于例如:I have date stored in the form of TEXT...


I have date stored in the form of TEXT in sqllite database. The format is "dd-mm-yyyy". I am making a query to select rows having dates in between two given dates. When I query the database with query dates belonging to the same month, I am getting the results. But, when the date range belong to different month, it returns no rows. For eg:


The problem arises when the dates are something like : 29-03-2013 to 05-04-2013. It returns rows successfully when the dates are between: 02-04-2013 and 05-04-2013. There are rows with entries made on all the dates.


Following are the ways I have tried:

// MySQLiteHelper.COLUMN_DATE_DATE stores column name which is 'date'
// startdate and end date are string in form of mm-dd-yyyy
// MySQLiteHelper.TABLE_NAMES contain table name string
// MySQLiteHelper.COLUMN_MOOD_LEVEL is another column that I wish to get in return

=和> =,但没有影响到输出;


I have tried using the BETWEEN clause and the <= and >=, but no effect to the output. Here is how:

// Method 1:
String selection = MySQLiteHelper.COLUMN_DATE_DATE + " BETWEEN '"+startdate+"' AND '"+ enddate+"' "; 
// Method 2:
String selection = MySQLiteHelper.COLUMN_DATE_DATE + " >= '"+startdate+"' AND "+MySQLiteHelper.COLUMN_DATE_DATE+" <= '"+ enddate+"' ";

String []colum = {MySQLiteHelper.COLUMN_MOOD_LEVEL};
Cursor cursor = database.query(MySQLiteHelper.TABLE_NAMES, colum, selection, null, null, null, null);




to see the number of rows returned, it gives 0. Though there are entries existing in between those dates.

时的,我缺少一些基本的比较问题?我试图寻找一些previous问题,但没有成功。我真的AP preciate的帮助。

Is their some basic comparison issue that I am missing? I tried looking at some previous questions but didn't work out. I would really appreciate the help.


有关字符串比较正常工作,你必须使用一个格式,其中最显著场是第一位的,即 YYYY-MM-DD 。 (这也是对的SQLite的内置日期函数的唯一支持的格式。)

For string comparisons to work correctly, you must use a format where the most significant field comes first, i.e., yyyy-mm-dd. (This also is the only supported format for SQLite's built-in date functions.)


