Windows窗体应用程序 - 慢速/不响应的用户界面慢速、窗体、用户界面、应用程序

由网友(心天真)分享简介:可能重复: C# WinForm应用程序 - 在长时间运行的操作 UI挂起Possible Duplicate:C# WinForm Application - UI Hangs during Long-Running Operation 我在使用C#和.NET Framework 4.0的Windows窗体应用...

可能重复:   C# WinForm应用程序 - 在长时间运行的操作 UI挂起

Possible Duplicate: C# WinForm Application - UI Hangs during Long-Running Operation

我在使用C#和.NET Framework 4.0的Windows窗体应用程序。我有一个问题,同时该程序正在做的工作,我不能走动的窗口,如果我尽量减少它,我不能拿回来。我想这是因为我做工作,该UI运行在同一个线程。

I created a Windows Form Application using C# and .NET Framework 4.0. I'm having a problem where while the program is doing work I can't move around the window and if I minimize it I can't get it to come back. I assume this is because I'm doing work on the same thread that the UI is running on.


Could this be the cause? If so how do I fix it?



If you don't want to get into the internals of threads and threading, I would recommend using the BackgroundWorker control to do your task. The Background worker control encapsulates a lot of threading stuff behind the scenes to give you a clean programming interface.


The following link might help you (written by me)



