
由网友(命中不能缺你)分享简介:我使用的是通过COM互操作包装暴露第三方DLL。然而,在COM调用之一经常死机(从未至少返回)。要尽量至少让我的codeA一点更加坚固,我包的调用以异步方式( _getDeviceInfoWaiter 是的ManualResetEvent )I am using a third party dll that is e...

我使用的是通过COM互操作包装暴露第三方DLL。然而,在COM调用之一经常死机(从未至少返回)。要尽量至少让我的codeA一点更加坚固,我包的调用以异步方式( _getDeviceInfoWaiter 的ManualResetEvent

I am using a third party dll that is exposed via a COM Interop wrapper. However, one of the COM calls often freezes (never returns at least). To try to at least make my code a little more robust, I wrapped the call asynchronously (_getDeviceInfoWaiter is a ManualResetEvent)

var backgroundWorker = new BackgroundWorker();
      backgroundWorker.DoWork += 
        (sender, eventArgs) =>
            var deviceInfo = _myCom.get_DeviceInfo(0);
            _serialNumber = deviceInfo.SerialNumber;
      var waitFifteenSecondsForGetInfo = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 15);
      _getDeviceInfoWaiter.WaitOne(waitFifteenSecondsForGetInfo, true);
        throw new ArgumentNullException("Null or empty serial number. " +
            "This is most likely due to the get_DeviceInfo(0) COM call freezing.");


However, the very next call to any COM component will freeze the code. Is there something I am not thinking of, or is there some way to keep my main thread from dying?


基本上,这是被称为每当一个新设备插入电脑中,这样我们就可以适当地记录信息的COM调用。然而,正如我所说的,任何 COM组件会冻结,如果这个人是在等待(我们自己锁自定义COM如果第三方锁定)

Basically, this is a COM call that is called whenever a new device is plugged into the PC so that we can log the information appropriately. However, as I said, ANY COM component will freeze if this one is waiting (a custom COM of our own locks if the third party locked)


以上code不工作,并延迟挂在UI线程,直到下一个COM调用。这样做的原因试图解决方法是,因为 VAR deviceInfo = _myCom.get_DeviceInfo(0)已锁定该UI线程。然而,这种信息并不重要,仅用于日志记录,所以这种方法是允许的放弃和15秒后继续前进的场景

The above code DOES work, and delays the hanging of the UI thread until the next COM call. The reason for this attempted workaround was because var deviceInfo = _myCom.get_DeviceInfo(0); was already locking the UI thread. However, this info is not important and is only used for logging, so this approach is to allow for "give up and move on after 15 seconds" scenario



更新 - 从OP第二次更新后的的


IF you have some problematic component you can always make your usage of it more robust by using the following approach:

创建过程(EXE),其(经由任何IPC机制例如)封装该组件的使用和公开的API。然后,您可以启动EXE作为单独的进程(从主EXE),并用它...如果你需要经过一定的时间来杀死部件和/或在满足一定条件下可以随时杀死包装EXE从你的主EXE ......内包装EXE当你需要杀死它被执行依赖于特定组件上它甚至可能会执行一些特殊的清理code很有用(可能在一个单独的线程) 包装EXE。

Create a process (EXE) which wraps the usage of that component and exposes an API (for example via any IPC mechanism). You can then start that EXE as a separate process (from your main EXE) and use it... IF you need to kill that component after a certain time and/or when some condition is met you can always kill that "wrapper EXE" from your main EXE... depending on the specific component it might even be useful to implement some special "cleanup code" (possibly in a separate thread) within that "wrapper EXE" which gets executed when you need to kill that "wrapper EXE".


Since you are implementing this in .NET you can even have that "wrapper EXE" as "embedded resource" in your main executable and start it even from RAM without writing it to the filesystem...


