在歌Nexus S和Galaxy SII开启相机部件部件、相机、Nexus、Galaxy

由网友(少女の季节)分享简介:我写一个简单的小部件为Android设备。当用户preSS上的小窗口的摄像头手电筒必须关闭和开启。我的窗口小部件工作正常,当我启动它在索尼爱立信弧形,但是当我尝试推出小部件的的三星NexusS 的或的三星Galaxy SII 是的做什么(不工作)的 I am writing a simple Widget for...

我写一个简单的小部件为Android设备。当用户preSS上的小窗口的摄像头手电筒必须关闭和开启。我的窗口小部件工作正常,当我启动它在索尼爱立信弧形,但是当我尝试推出小部件的的三星NexusS 的或的三星Galaxy SII 是的做什么(不工作)的

I am writing a simple Widget for Android Devices. When user press on the widget a Camera Flashlight must turn Off and On. My Widget works fine when I launch it on Sony Ericsson Arc, but when I try to launch Widget on Samsung NexusS or Samsung Galaxy SII it do nothing (doesn't work).

我谷歌这个问题,并找到一些答案吧。大多数的用户建议使用SurfaceView,真正表面观与大小1像素,如果它被放置在活动真正发挥作用,但 它不能在我的情况下工作(小部件不支持SurfaceViw) 。

I google this issue and find some answers for it. Most of users suggest to use SurfaceView and really surface view with size 1 pixel really work if it is placed on activity, but it doesn't work in my case (Widget doesn't support SurfaceViw).

LED手电筒Galaxy Nexus的控制由什么API?


I found this article and it was very useful, but how can I use it in my case, in the case if I want turn on light from widget ? I know that I can't use Surface view in Widget View as it is not supported yet, any Ideas ?

请给我提供一些链接,开源项目或物品或东西,可以是对如何我可以把灯开/关从Nexus S的一和Galaxy S II的部件有帮助的。

Please provide me some links, open source projects or articles or something that can be helpful on how I can turn light on/off from the widget on Nexus S One and Galaxy S II.


Is there any universal code for working with camera on different phones ? Any information will be helpful.


Maybe I need to use native library ?



目前没有官方Android API,让您独自操作相机闪光灯。您可以通过官方的摄像头API去 - 它并没有正式定义如何操纵闪光灯LED。您可以设置不同的模式,但摄像头的软件可以随意忽略它。

There is no official android API allowing you to manipulate camera flash alone. You have to go via official camera API - and it does not formally define how to manipulate flash LED. YOu can set different modes, but camera software can ignore it at will.


So, if this works on sony it does not have to vork for other hardware. There could be (and most probably there are) some vendor specific undocumented APIs though.


