
由网友(江海寄余生)分享简介:我真的很喜欢使用 hierarchyviewer 我的三星Galaxy S.有什么办法把它变成一个开发手机吗?I'd really like to use hierarchyviewer with my Samsung Galaxy S. Is there any way to turn it into a deve...

我真的很喜欢使用 hierarchyviewer 我的三星Galaxy S.有什么办法把它变成一个开发手机吗?

I'd really like to use hierarchyviewer with my Samsung Galaxy S. Is there any way to turn it into a developer phone?


RomainGuy是正确的,但既然他已经制定ViewServer您可以在任何手机上使用HierarchyViewer为自己的应用程序现在调试。要做到这一点只需添加RomainGuy的 ViewServer 到您的应用程序。

RomainGuy is correct, but since he had developed the debug ViewServer you can use HierarchyViewer for your own application on ANY phone now. To do this simply add RomainGuy's ViewServer into your application.


从ViewServer JavaDoc的:

From ViewServer JavaDoc:

此类可用于使得能够使用HierarchyViewer的内侧的   应用。 HierarchyViewer是可以使用的一个Android SDK工具   检查和调试运行的应用程序的用户界面。对于   安全起见,HierarchyViewer不起作用的产品构建   (例如手机买店。)通过使用这个类,你可以   使在任何设备上HierarchyViewer工作。你必须非常小心   然而,在调试的时候只启用HierarchyViewer您   应用。

This class can be used to enable the use of HierarchyViewer inside an application. HierarchyViewer is an Android SDK tool that can be used to inspect and debug the user interface of running applications. For security reasons, HierarchyViewer does not work on production builds (for instance phones bought in store.) By using this class, you can make HierarchyViewer work on any device. You must be very careful however to only enable HierarchyViewer when debugging your application.

要使用此视图服务器,应用程序必须要求   网​​络许可。

To use this view server, your application must require the INTERNET permission.

如果您使用的Andr​​oid注释库,这是更简单 - 只需标注你的活动与@HierarchyViewerSupport注释。

If you use Android Annotations library, it's even simpler - just annotate your activity with @HierarchyViewerSupport annotation.


