
由网友(哼一半の曲″)分享简介:任何人都可以解释如何得到这个工作?我传递的类型名称,而T被正确填充。我只是想不通怎么投objectToCast以T型。任何帮助是AP preciated。Can anyone explain how to get this to work? I am passing in the type name, and "t...

任何人都可以解释如何得到这个工作?我传递的类型名称,而T被正确填充。我只是想不通怎么投objectToCast以T型。任何帮助是AP preciated。

Can anyone explain how to get this to work? I am passing in the type name, and "t" is being correctly populated. I just cannot figure out how to cast objectToCast to type "t". Any help is appreciated.

Type t = Type.GetType("castToTypeNameHere");
o = CastTo<t>(objectToCast);

private T CastTo<T>(Object obj)
    return (T)obj;


FYI, here's the answer I found:

Type t = Type.GetType(element.Attribute("castToType").Value);
MethodInfo castMethod = this.GetType().GetMethod("CastTo", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).MakeGenericMethod(t);
object castedObject = castMethod.Invoke(this, new object[] { objectToCast });


在使用泛型(无反射),类型参数必须是类型的名称,而不是实例的System.Type 。所以你不能说

When you use generics (without reflection), the type parameters have to be the name of types, not instances of System.Type. So you can't say

由于 T 不是一个类型的名称。这是因为如果你说的

Type t = Type.GetType("castToTypeNameHere"); o = CastTo<t>(objectToCast);

because t is not the name of a type. It's as if you had said


o = CastTo<int>(objectToCast);


The former is illegal, the latter is legal.

我不明白你要达到什么目的。如果你不知道在编译时的类型,一个演员一样,是没有用的。编译器将不知道 0 的类型,你不会得到任何的编译时类型安全,也没有智能感知功能。

I don't understand what you're trying to achieve. If you don't know the type at compile time, a cast like that is useless. The compiler won't know the type of o, and you won't get any of the compile-time type safety nor IntelliSense features.


