
由网友(西风乍起)分享简介:我使用的是从客户端脚本调用一个.NET脚本服务,它工作得很好。唯一的问题是 - 它会生成一个__type'属性为每个返回的对象,我不想要或需要的。照片我已经看到了这个几个帖子在网上,而据我所知,只有变通办法对这样的:有人建议躲在返回类型的无参数的c'tor为内部保护, 其他建议不要使用手动[ScriptMethod]...


唯一的问题是 - 它会生成一个__type'属性为每个返回的对象,我不想要或需要的。照片 我已经看到了这个几个帖子在网上,而据我所知,只有变通办法对这样的:



我不知道是否有此另一个更好的解决方案。并由方式 - 什么是用于该属性啊? 我在封闭的服务方法和产生的JSON。


[ScriptMethod(ResponseFormat = ResponseFormat.Json,UseHttpGet =真)
公开的IEnumerable< EmployeePO> GetEmployeesForDepartment(INT DepartmentID的)




{"d":[{"__type":"Application.Controllers.$p$psentationObjects.EmployeePO","Positions":[{"__type":"Application.Controllers.$p$psentationObjects.PositionPO","Id":4,"Name":"Employee: 1test位置1","IsPriority":false,"WarningThreshold":50,"CriticalThreshold":60,"CurrentWaitingTime":-1,"Passengers":[],"Qualifications":[...


行,所以我最终采取的意见为Jhon·莫里森,张贴在这个问题@Kid链接与 我定义的所有对我的恢复类无参数的构造函数是受保护的内部,并且确实的伎俩。 在这里我真的需要创建空的对象的情况下我创建了一个工厂方法,像这样:

        公众诠释编号{获得;组; }

        公共MyClass的(INT ID):
            ID = ID;



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I'm using a .net script service which is called from client-side script, and it works very nicely.

only problem is- it generates a '__type' attribute for each of the returned objects, which I don't want or need. I've seen a few posts about this over the web, and as far as I could tell, there are only 'workarounds' for this:

some people suggested hiding the parameter-less c'tor of the return type as 'internal protected',

others suggested not using the [ScriptMethod] tag, and instead JSONfy the result manually and return a string.

I'm wondering whether there is another, better, solution for this. and by the way- what is this attribute used for, anyway? I'm enclosing the service method and the generated JSON.


[ScriptMethod(ResponseFormat = ResponseFormat.Json, UseHttpGet = true)]
public IEnumerable<EmployeePO> GetEmployeesForDepartment(int DepartmentId)

        return new AdministrationController().GetEmployeesForDepartment(DepartmentId);


JSON returned:

{"d":[{"__type":"Application.Controllers.PresentationObjects.EmployeePO","Positions":[{"__type":"Application.Controllers.PresentationObjects.PositionPO","Id":4,"Name":"Employee: 1test Position 1","IsPriority":false,"WarningThreshold":50,"CriticalThreshold":60,"CurrentWaitingTime":-1,"Passengers":[],"Qualifications":[...


OK so I ended up taking the advice from Jhon Morrison, posted in the question @Kid linked to- I defined all the parameter-less constructors on my returned classes as protected internal and that really did the trick. In cases where I actually needed to create empty objects I created a Factory method, like so:

public class MyClass
        public int Id { get; set; }

        public MyClass(int id):
            Id = id;

        public static MyClass CreateNewZonePO()
            return new MyClass();

        //parameterless c'tor for serialization's sake
        //it's protected internal in order to avoid the "__type" attribute when returned from a web service. see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4958443/net-script-web-services-type-attribute
        protected internal MyClass()


@Kid's answer also worked, but it looked cleaner to me this way.


