
由网友(造梦先生)分享简介:当您在使用.NET编译Windows应用程序,您可以设置目标平台为x86或x64。这将优化code送至处理器的特定结构,并允许逸出的IL。有谁知道,如果有什么东西,让来达到相同的结果为Windows Mobile应用程序?我只关心我的运行在ARM架构的应用程序。When you compile windows ap...

当您在使用.NET编译Windows应用程序,您可以设置目标平台为x86或x64。这将优化code送至处理器的特定结构,并允许逸出的IL。 有谁知道,如果有什么东西,让来达到相同的结果为Windows Mobile应用程序?我只关心我的运行在ARM架构的应用程序。

When you compile windows application in .NET you can set "Platform Target" to be x86 or x64. This would optimize your code to a specific architecture of the processor and allow to escape IL. Does anyone know if there's something that would allow to achieve the same result for Windows Mobile application? I'm only interested in running my application on ARM architecture.


使用单的的提前-时的(AOT)编译。这就是他们是如何得到 UNITY 脚本到这是一种ARM平台的iPhone。它可能会采取一些劳动得到它,并在Windows Mobile上运行以来,AFAIK,没有人做这个特定的平台端口尚未但是编译器等应该已经在那里。

Use Mono's Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compilation. That's how they got UNITY scripting onto the iPhone which is an ARM platform. It will probably take some labour to get it up and running on Windows Mobile since, afaik, noone has done that particular platform port yet but the compiler etc should already be there.

您可以看到米格尔·德·伊卡萨的$ P​​ $它psentation在MS PDC 。

You can see Miguel de Icaza's presentation of it at MS PDC here.


