由网友(浪子哥哥)分享简介:有人可以解释发生了什么给我?我有一个测试项目,测试我的服务的一个虚拟实例。在测试项目中,我只是引用dummyService.exe和System.SystemProcess DLL。Can someone please explain what is happening to me? I have a test pr...

有人可以解释发生了什么给我?我有一个测试项目,测试我的服务的一个虚拟实例。在测试项目中,我只是引用dummyService.exe和System.SystemProcess DLL。

Can someone please explain what is happening to me? I have a test project that tests a dummy instance of my service. In the test project, I simply reference the dummyService.exe and System.SystemProcess dll.


In my dummyService project however, I have referenced the class library, which itself uses other dlls from other componentsn as well as other projects in my solution.


The problem is that when I run my test, exceptions get thrown( First Chance exceptions for dlls which are loaded and working in the dummyService), in addition invalidcast exception (error message below).

无法转换型Export.CaseOutputGenerator的对象类型Export.ICaseOutputGenerator。 System.InvalidCastException被抓   消息=无法转换类型的对象Export.CaseOutputProcess.CustomCaseOutputGenerator到类型 Export.CaseOutputProcess.ICaseOutputGenerator。   来源= Export.CaseOutputProcess   堆栈跟踪:        在Export.CaseOutputProcess.CaseOutputGeneratoryFactory.GetCaseOutputGeneratorObject(字符串的AssemblyName,弦乐的className) 在C:监视 Export.CaseOutputProcess CaseOutputGeneratoryFactory.cs:行56 在Monitor.BOMock.GenerateCaseOutput(字符串OutputFolder,字符串iFile的,SEQNUM的Int32,DataTable中CaseSettings,串SettingFileName) 在C:监视 BOMock BOMock.cs:行1069 在Monitor.BOMock.Handling()在C:监视 BOMock BOMock.cs:行492的InnerException:

Unable to cast object of type 'Export.CaseOutputGenerator' to type 'Export.ICaseOutputGenerator'. System.InvalidCastException was caught Message=Unable to cast object of type 'Export.CaseOutputProcess.CustomCaseOutputGenerator' to type 'Export.CaseOutputProcess.ICaseOutputGenerator'. Source=Export.CaseOutputProcess StackTrace: at Export.CaseOutputProcess.CaseOutputGeneratoryFactory.GetCaseOutputGeneratorObject(String assemblyName, String className) in C:MonitorExport.CaseOutputProcessCaseOutputGeneratoryFactory.cs:line 56 at Monitor.BOMock.GenerateCaseOutput(String OutputFolder, String iFile, Int32 seqNum, DataTable CaseSettings, String SettingFileName) in C:MonitorBOMockBOMock.cs:line 1069 at Monitor.BOMock.Handling() in C:MonitorBOMockBOMock.cs:line 492 InnerException:

     public static ICaseOutputGenerator GetCaseOutputGeneratorObject(string assemblyName, string className)
                ICaseOutputGenerator customeOutputGen = null;

                var obj = GetObject(assemblyName, className);
                if (obj != null)
                    caseOutputGen = (ICaseOutputGenerator)obj; // FAILS HERE
                return caseOutputGen;

   private static object GetObject(string fullName, string className)
                Type caseOutputGen = null;
                var localAssembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(fullName);
                foreach (var testType in localAssembly.GetTypes())
                    if (!testType.FullName.EndsWith(className, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) continue;
                    caseOutputGen = testType;
                if (caseOutputGen == null) return null;

                var obj = Activator.CreateInstance(caseOutputGen);
                return obj;
            catch (FileNotFoundException ex)
                throw new Exception("Failed to load assembly: " + Environment.NewLine + fullName, ex);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception("Failed to load assembly: " + Environment.NewLine + fullName, ex);


Where assemblyName is the Path to the dll file to load and className happens to be the name of the class to create an instance of.

在code,如你所见,使用反射我加载大会提供的(字符串的AssemblyName)的 http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.reflection.assembly.loadfrom.aspx ,然后使用反射再次,我然后创建包含在已加载组件的类名(字符串的className)的一个实例。 http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library /system.activator.createinstance.aspx

In the code, as you see, using reflection I load the assembly at the assemblyName PATH provided (String assemblyName) http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.reflection.assembly.loadfrom.aspx , and then using reflection again, I then create an instance of the className (String className ) contained in the loaded assembly. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.activator.createinstance.aspx


How do I remedy this problem please? I don't want to have to reference all my dlls in the test project. How do I get around or solve this problem please?? Thanks in advance.



Based on that stack trace, it looks like the assembly where the type lives is not being found. If you just add the reference to the compiled exe, you're probably not going to get the other libraries along with it. I think you've got a couple of choices:

来吧,咬咬牙:在您的测试项目中添加引用到其他库。他们通常不传递的:仅仅因为你的服务知道它们并不一定意味着你的测试的组件知道他们以及。 添加后编译步骤,测试的项目,超过其他组件的副本,以便他们可以通过运行测试应用程序域发现。 使用依赖注入和控制容器的倒置。有不少在那里,但温莎城堡,StructureMap和团结浮现在脑海中。斯科特Hanselman的得到了他们的大名单在他的博客: http://www.hanselman.com/blog /ListOfNETDependencyInjectionContainersIOC.aspx Go ahead and bite the bullet: add the references to the other libraries in your test project. They're typically not transitive: just because your service knows about them doesn't necessarily follow that your test's assembly knows about them as well. Add a post-compilation step to your test's project that copies over the other assemblies so that they can be found by the app domain running your test. Use dependency injection and an inversion of control container. There are quite a few out there, but Castle Windsor, StructureMap and Unity come to mind. Scott Hanselman's got a great list of them on his blog: http://www.hanselman.com/blog/ListOfNETDependencyInjectionContainersIOC.aspx

