
由网友(真相终究辜负了想象っ)分享简介:我经过简单的文件管理/源代码编辑器工具,我的ASP.NET托管的网站。我经常更改它,它很烦人不得不FTP一个文件我想改变,并从服务器。 I'm after a simple file management / source editor tool for my ASP.NET hosted website. I fr...


I'm after a simple file management / source editor tool for my ASP.NET hosted website. I frequently make changes to it and its quite annoying having to FTP a single file I want to change to and from the server.


在基于Web的文件管理(删除,重命名,创建文件)。 在源代码编辑(直接在服务器上编辑文件) 在简单的解决方案,无广告,无钟声/口哨声,没有不必要的依赖关系,如SQL Server数据库 在ASP.NET 1.0 - 3.5(最好2.0)


文件上传 语法高亮 用C# 开启源(这样我就可以进行更改需要)


I could write my own application to do this but prefer not to re-invent the wheel if there is something out there that already does what I'm after.


What would be the best free .NET app to use given these considerations?


我建议你看看这个的基于Web的文件管理器。您可以设置自己的文件服务器的管理,并通过Web浏览器共享文件。它像DropBox的,但自托管,这样就可以保持自己的服务器上的所有机密文件。基于Web的用户界面的外观和感觉的Windows 7资源管理器。它提供的功能是无法实现的FTP服务器,如压缩和解的文件,下载多个文件和文件夹在单一的下载等,它也更容易设置和管理不是一个FTP服务器。

I recommend you to take a look at this web based file manager. You can set up your own file server for managing and sharing files through web browser. It's like DropBox but self-hosted so that you can keep all your confidential files on your own server. The web based UI looks and feels like Windows 7 Explorer. It offers features that are not possible with a FTP server such as zipping files, downloading multiple files and folders in single download etc. It's also easier to set up and administrate than a FTP server.


