采用Android的Gmail API访问Android、Gmail、API

由网友(慢慢慢慢的就没了感觉)分享简介:我试图访​​问使用Android应用程序的Gmail的API。我已经成功申请并获得使用所有可用的范围内组合的访问令牌。但似乎每一次我竟然尝试使用Gmail的API命令我得到一个 403例外阅读:访问未配置,请使用谷歌开发者控制台来激活API ... I am trying to access the Gmail...

我试图访​​问使用Android应用程序的Gmail的API。 我已经成功申请并获得使用所有可用的范围内组合的访问令牌。 但似乎每一次我竟然尝试使用Gmail的API命令我得到一个 403例外阅读:访问未配置,请使用谷歌开发者控制台来激活API ...

I am trying to access the Gmail API using an Android application. I have successfully requested and received an access token using all available scope combinations. But it seems that every time I actually try to use the Gmail API command I am getting a 403 exception reading: Access not configured please use Google developers console to activate the api...

不用说了API被激活和客户端密钥使用了正确的包名和放大器产生; SHA1 code。同一个客户端ID可以很好地处理谷歌加功能。

Needless to say the API is activated and a client key was created using the correct package name & sha1 code. Same client ID works well with Google Plus features.


Anyone having this issue or succeeded in connecting to the Gmail api from Android?



09-04 21:40:54.014: W/System.err(26717): com.google.api.client.googleapis.json.GoogleJsonResponseException: 403 Forbidden
09-04 21:40:54.014: W/System.err(26717): {
09-04 21:40:54.014: W/System.err(26717):   "code" : 403,
09-04 21:40:54.014: W/System.err(26717):   "errors" : [ {
09-04 21:40:54.014: W/System.err(26717):     "domain" : "usageLimits",
09-04 21:40:54.014: W/System.err(26717):     "message" : "Access Not Configured. Please use Google Developers Console to activate the API for your project.",
09-04 21:40:54.014: W/System.err(26717):     "reason" : "accessNotConfigured"
09-04 21:40:54.014: W/System.err(26717):   } ],
09-04 21:40:54.014: W/System.err(26717):   "message" : "Access Not Configured. Please use Google Developers Console to activate the API for your project."
09-04 21:40:54.014: W/System.err(26717): }

是否有需要在API控制台中启用除Google+的API和Gmail API任何其他API的?

Are there any other API's that need to be enabled in the API Console except Google+ API and Gmail API?


我们发现,使用web视图基础的认证,将导致,将授予的Gmail API访问的访问令牌但这并不是一个有效的解决方案,因为令牌被短暂的。至于现在的GoogleAuthUtil将授予一个令牌,但它的权限不足以使用Gmail的API。 没有人有成功与Gmail的API连接Android和想与大家分享?

I have found out that using a WebView based authentication will result in an access token that will grant Gmail API access but this is not a valid solution because the token is short lived. As for now the GoogleAuthUtil will grant a token but it's privileges are not sufficient for using the Gmail API. anyone had success in connecting Android with the Gmail API and would like to share?



Here are snippets of what I am doing:


token = GoogleAuthUtil.getToken(MainActivity.this, Plus.AccountApi.getAccountName(mGoogleApiClient), scope);


Trying to fetch messages from the Gmail API:

GoogleCredential credential = new GoogleCredential().setAccessToken(token);
JsonFactory jsonFactory = new JacksonFactory();
HttpTransport httpTransport = new NetHttpTransport();

service = new Gmail.Builder(httpTransport, jsonFactory, credential).setApplicationName("GmailApiTP").build();
ListMessagesResponse messagesRespose;
List<Message> m = null;

ArrayList<String> ids = new ArrayList<String>();
try {
    messagesRespose = service.users().messages().list("me").setLabelIds(ids).setQ("From: something")
    m = messagesRespose.getMessages();

} catch (IOException e) {


The exception is caught when use the Gmail API service. In addition I have tried clearing the token and asking for a new one with the same result.



That error message is deceptive, I believe it also happens when the developer project credentials client isn't correct. For example you picked "web application" when really you want "installed application".

确认你正确地从如下的说明: https://developers.google.com/accounts/docs/OAuth2

Confirm you're correctly following instructions from: https://developers.google.com/accounts/docs/OAuth2


(Should be "installed application", etc.)

你能发布的OAuth客户端信息,你必须从开发商控制台? (类型,并在那里任何其他非机密信息,等等。)

Can you post the oauth client info you have from the developers console? (Type and any other non-confidential info in there, etc.)


