
由网友(我们终成陌生人)分享简介:我读这个帖子他们使用依赖注入来加载库实例上的每一个MVC请求。 I read on this post that they are using dependency injection to load repository instance on each mvc request. 我不知道如果我理解正确的,但我目...


I read on this post that they are using dependency injection to load repository instance on each mvc request.

我不知道如果我理解正确的,但我目前使用在我的MVC应用程序。 UserRepository 它实现 IUserRepository 接口。此接口的控制器构造函数中注入

I'm not sure if I understand correctly but I currently using in my mvc app. UserRepository which implements IUserRepository interface. This interface is injected in controller constructor

public class UserController : Controller
   private IUserRepository repository;
   public UserController(IUserRepository rep)
   { repository = rep; }

   public UserController() : this(new UserRepository()) {}

但我任何好处,通过这个接口( IUserRepository )我可以使用 UserRepository 无界面看不到。显然,聪明的人是计算过,是正确的做法(我发现它在preSS mvc4书),我谨请别人来阐述为什么这是更好的方法,而不是使用库中没有的接口。

but I don't see any benefit using this interface (IUserRepository) I could use UserRepository without interface. Obviously someone smarter is figured that is right approach (I've found it on apress mvc4 book) and I would kindly ask someone to elaborate why is this better approach instead of using repository without interface.


Having this in mind I would ask anyone to share concrete examples or links on how to implement this approach (using dependency injection to load repository instance on each mvc request).



The main idea behind DI is to force you to see the big picture instead of concrete implementations.


Your controller needs to get the user, but it shouldn't care about concrete implementation (does your repository fetch the user from the database, web service, xml file, etc. or does it use Linq2Sql, EntityFramework, Dapper or something else under the hood).


Your controller is dependent on that piece of code which can be injected in constructor, property or method, but it doesn't really care about concrete implementation.


DI removes the tight coupling between your controller and repository, allows you to write unit tests by mocking the repository, and you can easily change the concrete implementation of your repository (eg. use PetaPoco instead of EntityFramework) without touching the rest of the code.


You should also take a look at the SOLID principles: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SOLID_(object-oriented_design)


