
由网友(萫柰ル丶)分享简介:我打算释放一个小型,低价的实用工具。由于这是比企业更爱好,我计划用随机附带VS2008 Dotfuscator社区版。 I plan to release one small, low priced utility. Since this is more hobby than business, I planned...

我打算释放一个小型,低价的实用工具。由于这是比企业更爱好,我计划用随机附带VS2008 Dotfuscator社区版。

I plan to release one small, low priced utility. Since this is more hobby than business, I planned to use Dotfuscator Community Edition that is shipped with VS2008.


我还可以用足够好模糊处理的定义 - 功能从Dotfuscator社区版缺少的是什么使它足够好。

I could also use definition of "good enough obfuscator" - what features are missing from Dotfuscator Community Edition to make it good enough.



I checked pricing on number of commercial obfuscators and they cost a lot. Is it worth it?


Are commercial versions that much better protecting from reverse engineering?

我不是很害怕我的应用程序被破解(这将是令人失望的,如果应用程序是如此糟糕,没有人有兴趣在咔吧)。它没有大量反正在code少数地方保护,没有过于复杂的序列码和许可证检查。这只是我的错误,如果没有混淆,有人可以轻易得到源$ C ​​$ C,重新命名它,卖它作为自己的。

I'm not very afraid of my application being cracked (it will be disappointing if application is so bad that no one is interested in cracking it). It's not heavily protected anyway, not overly complex serial key and licence checks on few places in code. It just bugs me that without obfuscation, somebody can easily get source code, rebrand it and sell it as its own.




Can somebody recommend commercial obfuscator. I found lots of them, all of them are expensive, some even don't have price listed on web site.


Feature wise, all products seem more or less similar.


What is minimal set of features obfuscator should have?



In a nutshell, the main difference between Dotfuscator Community Edition and the other "professional" editions is that Community Edition will only really obfuscate and change your namespaces, method names, and other "public" accessible aspects of your classes. It won't delve into the functions themselves and obfuscate the "private" code within the function.


Also, the Community Edition doesn't do anything to obfuscate such things as control flow within your application, nor will it "combine" code from multiple assemblies into one assembly. These are features that are available within the "professional" paid-for versions.

社区版(自由的版本随Visual Studio中)和专业,付费的版本之间的最好的比较可以通过查看以下两个链接中找到:

The best comparison between the Community Edition (the "free" version that comes with Visual Studio) and the "professional", paid-for editions can be found by looking at the following two links:

preemptive Dotfuscator版本比较

Dotfuscator社区版3.0 MSDN


The MSDN link is slightly out of date, however, gives a much better explanation of the actual features that are available within the various editions of Dotfuscator.



Commercial obfuscators do cost a lot of money, and as to wether they are worth the money? Well, that's a judgement call that really only you can make. Personally, I would say that it isn't worth it in your scenario. Firstly, because you're only wanting to protect one application ("I plan to release one small, low priced utility.") and secondly, you say that you're not overly concerned with the application being "cracked" ("I'm not very afraid of my application being cracked.").

我理解它如何能打扰你的编译.NET应用程序,没有任何模糊处理,可以很容易地逆向工程到其原始来源$ C ​​$ c和有人会利用这点来窃取你的软件,并出售它作为自己的,但是,事实是,软件盗版确实存在,你可能永远不会停止。

I understand how it can bug you that compiled .NET applications, without any obfuscation, can be easily reverse engineered to their original source code, and that someone may make use of this to steal your software and sell it as their own, however, the fact remains that software piracy does exist and you will probably never stop it.


Trying to stop software piracy has been debated ad-nausem both on here (Stack Overflow) and all over the internet.

普遍的共识似乎是,你需要关注你的时间和精力更多地让你的产品是伟大的,因为它可以,而不是使用同一时间试图保护的东西,只要有足够的时间/金钱,一个攻击可以破解/软件是偷的,无论如何,尽管为$ P $尽最大努力pvent他这样做。

The general consensus seems to be that you need to focus your time and energies more on making your product as great as it can be rather than using this same time trying to protect something that, given enough time/money, an "attacker" can "crack"/steal your software anyway, despite your best efforts to prevent him from doing so.


我会说,它可能发生的少了很多比你想象的那样。当然,软件被破解,但我不认为太多的人居然偷别人的源$ C ​​$ c和完全重新品牌也以销售为自己。我不是说没有,或者还没有发生,但它肯定不是一个普遍的现象。

I would say that it probably happens a lot less than you think it does. Sure, software gets cracked, but I don't think too many people actually steal other's source code and completely re-brand it to sell as their own. I'm not saying it doesn't, or hasn't happened, but it's certainly not a common occurrence.

要总结,我会说,你最好的选择将是把重点放在让你的效用一样大,它可以和使用免费Dotfuscator混淆,因为它需要时间/金钱的投资很少,混淆你的$从最明显的窥探C $ C,但不要失去任何失眠的事实,如果有人想破解/窃取你的产品/ code糟糕的是,他们会做。

To summarise, I'd say that your best bet would be to focus on making your utility as great as it can be and use the free Dotfuscator obfuscator, since it requires very little investment of time/money, to obfuscate your code from the most obvious prying eyes, but don't lose any sleep over the fact that if someone wants to crack/steal your product/code badly enough, they will do.


